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  英 语 试 题
  温情提示:                                          2010.12
  1. 本试卷满分100分,答题时间60分钟,注意合理分配时间。
  2. 请将正确答案写在答题纸上,选择题一定要将正确答案涂黑,打对勾或划斜线等均不计分。
  第一部分  英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
  第一节、单项填空  (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  1.——I really like the CD you lent to me last week.
  A. I’m glad you like it            B. That’s all right     
  C. Don’t mention it                D. I hope you like it.
  2. I’m _______ of the class team at school and I am also ______ of the Senior High team.
  A. captain; member              B. the captain; member
  C. captain; a member          D. a captain; a member
  3. The Northeast Tiger, Which is ________ to people, is now _________.
  A. dangerous; dangerous          B. dangerous; in danger     
  C. in danger; in danger            D. in danger; dangerous
  4. ---- Have you ever seen a dictionary ____________ our school library?
  ---- Yes, it is over there and Mary is using it.
  A. belonging to                  B. belonged to
  C. being belonged to              D. belong to
  5. Only thirty percent of the graduates _____ state-run panies.
  A. have a talent for               B. finds a position
  C. belongs to                    D. have access to
  6. As soon as he es back, I’ll tell him when ________ and see him.
  A. you will e                B. will you e
  C. you e                    D. do you e
  7. He _____________ puter games so he has fallen behind at school.
  A.is satisfied with               B. is related to   
  C .is connected with               D. is addicted to
  8. _________________ and you will succeed in time, I dare say.

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