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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高考模拟试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 117 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2010/12/15 16:53:48
  • 资源来源: 会员改编
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  1.How does the man do swimming?
  A.He’s a good swimmer.   
  B.He’s making steady progress. 
  C.The class is too slow.
  2.What do we learn from the women’s reply?
  A.She is now staying in Qingdao.                 
  B.She is now staying in Shanghai.
  C.She is willing to go to Qingdao with her friend.
  3.What does the man mean?
  A.He will ask for more money.                   
  B.He will remain at the pany .
  C.He will accept the woman’s advice.
  4.What does the man suggest?
  A.People should be forbidden to go around in the shopping mall.
  B.The shopping mall should not be built under a tunnel.
  C.A tunnel should be built to avoid traffic accidents .
  5.What did the woman do before doing her homework?
  A.She cooked. 
  B.She talked with her parents.    
  C.She went to see a movie .
  6.How long does the woman swim every week at least?
  A.1 mile.   B.4 miles.    iles.
  7.What does the woman mainly eat?
  A.Milk .           B.Red meat.    C.Fruit and vegetables .
  听第7段材料,回答第8至10 题。
  8.Why does the woman get poor marks in history?
  A.She can’t remember dates clearly.       
  B.She doesn’t like her history teacher.
  C.She doesn’t like the subject.
  9.What is important to learn history according to the man?
  A.The time when the events happened.     
  B.The reasons why the events happened.
  C.The results that the events happened .
  10.What is probably the man?
  A.A librarian.    B.A student.    C.A teacher.
  听第8段材料,回答第11至13 题。
  11.What is the main topic of the conversation ?
  A.How to predict the weather.           
  B.How to select a good umbrella.
  C.How to treat minor aches and pains .
  12.What do distant objects look before a storm according to the woman?
  A.They look darker.   B.They look smaller.   C.They look clearer.
  13.What happens to the man’s sense of smell?
  A.It stops working.  B.It bees sharper. C.It confuses odors.(气味)
  14.What’s the relationship between the speakers?
  A.Husband and wife. 
  B.Boyfriend and girlfriend.
  ployer and employee.
  15.How is the woman’s work?
  A.Very busy.      B.Easy .         C.Well-paid .
  16.What does the man feel about the woman?
  A.Worried.      B.Dislike.      C.Angry.
  听第10 段材料,回答第17 至20 题。
  17.How many adoptions are there each year in the US?
  A.6,000.      B.60,000.       C

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