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  • 更新时间: 2010/12/10 18:53:30
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  出题人  李仕才
  I. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共25分)
  1.  --- ____ do you study for a test?
  ---  I study by listening to tapes.
  A.  What    B.  Which    C.  How     D.  Where
  2. I _____ really quiet. Now I’m very outgoing.
  A. use to be      B. used to be   C. use to   D.  used to
  3. Ann ____ to choose her own clothes, but she isn’t allowed to get her ear pierced yet.
  A. is allowed     B. allow   C. allowed   D. is allowing
  4. ---What ___ you do if you had a million dollars?
  --- I’d give it to charity.
  A. will       B.  did  C.  were    D.  would
  5. --- Have you ever ____ another country?
  ---- Yes, I have.
  A. been to   B.  gone to  C. be to     D.   went to
  答案1-5  CAADA
  (   )6. This term we have        exams in many subjects.
  A. month      B. month’s      onth      D. monthly
  (   )7. —Mum, look! My trousers _____ short. Can you buy me a new _____? 
  A. is; one         B. are; one         C. are; pair          D. is; pair
  (   )8. At the end of the party, _____ of the girls was given a small gift.
  A. every        B. each      C. all           D. both
  (   )9. The boy ______ his friends was playing in the street when the earthquake happened.
  A. with     B. and     C. as well as      D. as far as
  (   )10. —Please _____ the application form. 
  —OK. Well, may I use your pen?
  —Of course.
  A. pay for    B. check in    C. pick up        D. fill in
  答案 6-10  DCBAD
  11.--- Jack, please don’t loot of the window.
  ---- _____.
  A.  It’s right.                   B. I know that.
  C. Sorry, I don’t do it again.       D.  It doesn’t matter.
  12.--- I have to be home by 10:00 p.m.
  ---- _____.
  A. So do I   B. So have I   C. So I do      D.  So I have
  13.I heard the old man got ____ dollars in the lottery.
  A. million   B.  millions  C. two  millions   D.  two million
  14. When she got to school ,she realized she ___ her backpack at home.
  A. had left  B. leave    C. have left   D.  leaves
  15. ---When ____ the car invented?
  A.    is       B. was         C. has        D. be
  答案 11-15  CADAB
  (   )16.---- Where’s my handbag?  ---- Maybe you have       it in the shoe shop.
  A. got      B. forgotten     C. thrown      D. left
  (    )17. By the time she          the room, the bell              .
  A. left ; had rung   B. left ; has rung   C. leaves ; had rung   D. leaves ; has rung
  (    )18. Sarah is _______a hard-working girl _______she often works late into night.
  A. so ; that       B. too ; to      C. such ; that     D. not only ; but also
  (     )19. Everyone thinks that it is the ______ joke of all.
  A. more embarrassing   B. most embarrassing  
  ore embarrassed  D. most embarrassed
  (     )20. She likes _______cookies. They are hard , dry and easily broken.
  A. crispy        B. sweet        C. salty        D. sour
  答案16-20   DACBA
  21、Can you tell me ______ ?
  A、where does he live  B、how did he e here yesterday
  C、what his job is     D、that he is good at English
  22、He_____ think he was wrong ______ I  showed the answer to  him.
  A、did't ;at  all  B、didn't;until   C、won't  ;until  D、not,until
  23、My parents always ask me ______  lies  because it is bad for a student.
  A、don't  tell  B、not  telling   C、no  tell D、not  to  tell
  24、There are some ______and two _________ in the classroom. They are talking so loudly   that we can hear hem clearly.

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