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  • 更新时间: 2010/11/26 10:54:00
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  出卷人: 翁俊卿   肖玉兰       审卷人: 黄蓉
  1. Which country does the woman e from ?
  A. Japan.       B. Australia.      C. France.
  2. What job does the boy’s mother do ?
  A. A secretary.        B. A nurse.       C. A doctor.
  3. What does the woman suggest ?
  A. Going to the ist’s (药商).    B. Staying in bed.  C. See the doctor.
  4. When is the parents’ meeting ?
  A. On Monday.        B. On Tuesday.      C. On Thursday.
  5. What do we know about Jerry ?
  A. He is leaving law school soon.    B. He is going to law school.
  C. He isn’t in a law school.
  6. Why will the woman go to Florida ?
  A. For a holiday.       B. For a business trip.     C. For a wedding.
  7. What does the woman ask the man to do ?
  A. Look after her house.    B. Look after her bird.    C. Look after her dog.
  8. What does the woman give the man ?
  A. A list.          B. A key.         e pet food.
  请听第7段材料,回答第9-11 题。
  9. Where is the new sports center ?
  A. On East Road.       B. On Park Street.         C. On West Road.
  10. What did the man do last Saturday ?
  A. He played tennis.      B. He played table tennis.   C. He played basketball.
  11. What are the speakers planning to do ?
  A.Go skating.     B. Go swimming.    C. Go skiing.
  12. What does the man do ?
  A. A salesman.       B. A traveler.         C. A journalist.
  13. Why did the man give up Chinese halfway ?
  A. Because of the speaking.   B.Because of the writing.   C. Because of the grammar.
  14. How long did the man attend Japanese classes ?
  A. 2 or 3 years.     B. 2 or 3 months.   C. 2 or 3 weeks.
  15. What kind of room does the man want ?
  A. A room with a double bed.       

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