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  • 更新时间: 2010/11/26 9:49:22
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共81题,约4920字。含听力音频文件。  福建省福州市罗源一中2011届高三上学期期中试题英语试卷
  第I卷(共三部分 满分115分)
  1. What time did the man arrive?
  A.9:20    B.9:14    C.9:26
  2. What is the woman probably?
  A. She is a secretary.    B. She is a polian.    C. She is a doctor.
  3. What is the probable relationship between the woman and the man?
  A. Doctor and patient
  B. Teacher and student.
  C. Husband and wife.
  4. How many apples are there for the dinner?
  A. Three     B. Ten    C. Thirty
  5. What does the woman really mean?
  A. The noise is really too loud.
  B. The window has no problem.
  C. It's not easy to close the window.
  听第六段材料回答第6、 7题
  6. When does the plane take off?
  A. At 1:45 p.m.     B. At 2:45 p.m.   C. At 2:45 a.m.
  7. What did the man put in the woman's handbag?
  A. Cough pills.      B. Cold pills.      C. Sleeping pills.
  8. Where are the speakers?
  A. In the office.     B. At home.       C. In a restaurant.
  9. When does the conversation probably take place?
  A. In the morning.  B. In the afternoon.  C. In the evening.
  10. What is wrong with the man?
  A. He has a running nose.    B. He has a fever.    C. He has a headache.
  11. What's the matter with Steve?
  A. He has a cold      B. He has the flu.      C. He has a stomachache.
  12. How long has Steven been sick?
  A. Since Friday.      B. Since Saturday.    C. Since Sunday.
  13. How often should Steven take the medicine the doctor prescribed?
  A. Three times a day with meals.
  B. Four times a day be
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