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  英 语
  SECTION A (22.5 marks)
  Directions: In this section you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet.
  You will hear each conversation TWICE.
  Conversation 1
  1. How long does the next train take to get to Washington?
  A. Less than an hour.  B. An hour.   ore than an hour.
  2. How much do you need to pay if you go with your parents and deicide to boorn ticket for each at the same time?
  A. $90.     B. $165.    C. $255.
  Conversation 2
  3. What movies does the woman prefer to watch?
  A. Action movies.   B. Love stories.  C. Horror movies.
  4. What statement is true according to the conversation?
  A. There is going to be a party the next day.
  B. The woman is going to rent a video.
  C. Violence is the main feature of action movies.
  Conversation 3
  5. Whose answering machine does this recording e from?
  A. Bill’s.     B. Hank’s   C. Lisa’s
  6. When will Hank probably show up at the game?
  A. At around nine.   B. Between 7 and 8. C. After he buys some food.
  Conversation 4
  7. What is one thing the man is NOT going to pack for the winter season?
  A. Some sweaters.   B. A jacket.   C. A coat.
  8. What is the weather like in the spring?
  A. Cool.     B. Rainy.    C. Windy.
  9. Which of the following statements is true?
  A. The speakers are probably high school students now.
  B. The man will buy a tuxedo(男士晚礼服) for possible formal occasions.   
  C. The woman laughs at the man’s experience of being improperly-dressed.
  Conversation 5
  10. Where is the picnic going to be held?
  A. By a river.    B. At the beach.  C. At a park.
  11. Why has Kathy been so busy lately?
  A. She has been working a lot recently.
  B. She has been taking care of her siother.
  C. She has been looking for a new job.
  12. What does Dave suggest Sake for the picnic dessert?
  A. Cheery pie.    B. Oatmeal cookies. C. Chocolate cake.
  Conversation 6

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