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  • 更新时间: 2010/10/4 22:14:25
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  Part I   Listening prehension (30 marks)
  Section A (22.5 marks)
  Conversation 1
  1. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Teacher and student.           B. ates.            C. Doctor and patient.
  2. What made it difficult for the woman to follow the man’s advice?
  A. She didn’t want to lose her job.           B. She had to look after her children.     
  C. She didn’t want to spend muoney.
  Conversation 2
  3. When did the speakers see each last time?
  A. Last Christmas.            B. Two years ago.        C. A few weeks ago.
  4. What do we know about Joe?
  A. He is interested in sports now.            B. He broke his leg last week.                
  C. He is learning to play the piano.
  Conversation 3
  5. How does the woman feel about the ing holiday?
  A. Worried.                 B. Surprised.              C. Excited.
  6. When did Kate and Laura meet?
  A. At a p.               B. On a train.              C. At a concert.
  Conversation 4
  7. When did the woman buy the oven?
  A. A day ago.               B. A week ago.             onth ago.
  8. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Husband and wife.        B. Mother and son.          C. Father and daughter.
  9. When does the conversation most probably take place?
  A. In the late afternoon.      B. At noon.                 C. At night.
  Conversation 5
  10. What do we learn about the woman?
  A. She is a professor.   B. She is new to the country.   C. She has never had a Western dinner.
  11. What does the man advise the woman to do?
  A. Help set the table or serve the food.              B. Leave the table when invited to.          
  C. Help wash the dishes after dinner.
  12. What day is it today?
  A. Thursday.               B. Friday.                C. Saturday.
  Conversation 6
  13. Why does the woman want to move?
  A. There’s only one room in her present apartment.    
  B. She can’t afford the rent of the present apartment.          
  C. She can’t see a view in her present apartment.
  14. How muonthly rent is acceptable?
  A.1000 yuan.                 B.1500 yuan.             C. 2500 yuan.
  15. What do the speakers agree to do in the end?
  A. Have a look at the apartment.           B. Walk upstairs everyday.    
  C. Wait for a good opportunity.
  Section B (7.5 marks)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. You will hear the short passage TWICE.
  City Weather (now) Weather (tomorrow) Lowest temperature Highest
  Beijing Cloudy 16.________________ -5 6
  Tokyo 17.__________ Rainy -3 11
  London Clear 18.________________ -1 3
  Ottawa 19.__________ Sunny and windy -15 -9
  Melbourne Cloudy Sunny and hot 16 27
  20.___________ Sunny Sunny -7 -2
  Part II  Language Knowledge (45 marks)

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