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  • 更新时间: 2010/1/29 14:09:40
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  寒假作业13 综合训练
  I. 单项填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  1.inadequate supply of vitamin A can lead to blindness.
  A.An;the B.An;/ C.The:a D.The;the
  2.一What you have done means a lot to me!I really appreciate it!—.
  A.Oh, really? B.I don’t think so.
  C.No,no! D.No problem at all.
  3.He is supposed the job,but he hasn’t.
  A.to have finished B.to finish
  C.to be finished D.to have been finished
  4.I think Peter is to win the game among all the boys.
  A.more likely B.most likely C.very likely D.much likely
  5.—Jenny.how do you find the movie Da Vinci Code?
  一It .I really wish to see it again.
  A.couldn’t be better B.couldn’t be worse
  C.was just so so D.lasted more than two hours
  6.Yesterday she went to the bookstore and bought books on English study.
  A.dozen B.two dozens of C.a dozen of D.a dozen
  7.The couples present today all for over 50 years.
  A.marrying;have married B.married;have been married
  arrying;married D.married;have married
  8.The boy is looking forward to if his mother is ing.
  A.see B.seeing C.seen D.saw
  9.He was admitted to a famous university,was obvious that his situation had gone beyond his parent’s expectations.
  A.what B.it C.as D.and it
  10.puter lessons must be to students of all grades,so that they aster this modern munication and learning tool.
  A.avoidable B.accessible C.valuable D.acceptable
  11.The thought of made her very annoyed.
  A.man of B.man
  C.being made fun of D.being man
  12.He waved his hand to us,to draw our attention.
  A.to try B.trying C.tried D.try
  13.petition,they believe,the national character rather than corrupts it.
  A.limits B.confirms pairs D.strengthens
  14.He continued speaking,my feelings on the matter.
  A.regardless of B.as a result of C.instead of D.in case of
  15.—Have you been to New Zealand?
  一No,I’d like to,.
  A.too B.though C.yet D.either
  It was a bitter cold evening many years ago. An old man’s beard was 16 with winter’s frost while he waited for a ride across the 17 . The wait seemed endless. Then he heard the sound of hooves(蹄) advancing along the frozen path. 18 , he watched as several horsemen rounded the bend. He let the first one pass by, and 19 . Finally, the last neared the place. As this one 20 near, the old man 21 the rider’s eyes and said, “Sir, would you mind giving an old man a 22 to the other side? There doesn’t appear to be a passageway on foot.’’
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