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  • 资源类别: 通用 / 高中试卷 / 高一上学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 20 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2010/1/29 14:06:08
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  I. 单项填空
  1. ----Jim. Glad to meet you! We haven’t seen each other for a long time!
  ----Yes. ________ more than six years ________ we last saw each other.
  A. There’s; since B. It’s; since C. It’s; before D. There’s; before
  2. ----Exe, where is the Central Park?
  ----Sorry, but it’s the first time I ________the city.
  A. visited B. am visiting C. visit D. have visited
  3. ----________we go at 7:30?
  A. Will; Sounds like great to me.
  B. Will; That sounds well.
  C. Shall; What about making it a little earlier?
  D. Shall; Making it a little earlier.
  4. Why not ________ some oil to the water? This will ________.
  A. add; keep the air out of B. add; keep the air out
  C. adding; keep the air in D. to add; keep the air
  5. ----What do you think Jim is doing at this time?
  ----He ________ his car as usual.
  A. was washing B. might wash C. washes D. is supposed to be washing
  6. ----Have you telephoned your father?
  ----Yes. He ________ to be back next month.
  A. will expect B. will be expected C. is expected D. expects
  7. As far as I know, the population in our city now is ________ that in theirs.
  A. as four times large as B. as large as four times
  C. four times less than D. four times larger than
  8. The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world, but it ________ to be seen whether we will make good use of it.
  A. keeps B. seems ains D. thinks
  9. It is reported that today ________ president will have lunch with ________ President Omon.
  A. the;/ B. a; a C. the; the D. /;/
  10. He carefully ________ the house in case of being found.
  A. approached B. e C. reached D. got
  11. I hope you can ________ a better plan than this.
  A. put up B. e up C. put up with D. e up with
  12. Wait till you are more ________. It’s better to be sure than sorry.
  A. interested B. satisfied C. surprised D. certain
  13. The village is far away from here indeed. It’s ________walk.
  A. a four hour’s B. a four hours’C. a four—hour D. a four—hours
  14. ----How did you find your visit to the museum?
  ----I enjoyed it very much. It was ________ than I expected.
  A. far more interesting B. even much interesting
  C. so more interesting D. a lot much interesting
  15. ----Can I help you, madam?
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