高中英语必修一第二单元English around the world过关测试卷2

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  高中英语必修一第二单元English around the world过关测试卷
  Unit2 单元过关验收B卷
  11.You can’t do well in your studies _______you listen to the teacher
  attentively in class.
  A.if B.until C.when D.unless
  12._______of his friends has(have)ever been to Paris.
  A.None B.No one C.Every D.Nobody
  13.Last evening Lack watched TV at home ____going to the a.
  A.not B.but C.instead D.instead of
  14.You _____play football if you haven’t finished your homework.
  A.don’t allow to B.are not allowed
  C.are not allowed to D.don’t allow
  15.They are asked to have their own way ____doing things.
  A.in B.to C.of D.for
  16.Oh,we are late.The hall is _______people.
  A.filled of B.filled with C.full with D.filled in
  17.When I _______my work tomorrow,I will go swimming with you.
  A.will finish B.have finished
   finishing D.finished
  18._______you begin the wor shouldn’t stop halfway.
  A.Once B.When C.Though D.As soon as
  19.The fish smells _______.Let me have a _______.
  A.well;look B.sweet;look
  C.well;taste D.sweet;taste
  20.Tom and his parents are now in China _______.
  A.in a holiday B.on the holiday
  C.at holiday D.on holiday
  21.Tell him _______his bike when he leaves.
  A.not to forget locking B.don’t forget locking
  C.not to forget to lock D.don’t forget to lock
  22.Mare _____off all the lights before you go to bed.
  A.you turn B.to turned C.turning D.your turning
  23.—Sorry to have waiting.
  A.It’s all right B.It doesn’t matter
  C.No worry D.That’s right
  24.—Do you like the sweater?
  —Yes,it _______very soft.
  A.feels B.is feeling C.is felt D.felt
  25.Do you remember _____your headmaster told you to do?
  A.that B.what C.how D.whether
  Do you believe that some numbers are lucnlucky?If you answer“yes”
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