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  • 更新时间: 2009/10/2 15:47:47
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  Carolyn Stradley is the founder of p;S Paving Inc. (铺路公司) in Atlanta, USA. In the following account, she recalls the job that challenged her 21 and st left her flying high.
  “When the Atlanta Airport was under construction in 1979, we were a new pany struggling to make it. No other local paving pany wanted to do the job, 22 it couldn’t be done in such a short time.”
  “We gave National Car Rental our offer and 23 our best effort to get the job finished within ten days. We also 24 them that if we failed, they would be no worse off.”
  “We got the job and immediately went into 25 . Our 26 challenge was to keep the rocre 27 enough. All the available water wagons (洒水车) were rented out for the airport construction, and we certainly couldn’t afford to buy a new one. Instead, I got a special 28 to rent fire engine hoses (消防水龙带) and connect them to nearby hydrants (消防栓); then I 29 held one of those hoses to water down the rock.”  “Those ten days were filled with challenges that 30 one creative idea after another. Nine days later, the night before the airport opened, National Car Rental was the only pany that had cars on the parking lot.”
  21. A. kindness B. patience agination D. experience
  22. A. stating B. reporting C. telling D. warning
  23. A. supported B. promised C. continued D. improved
  24. A. asked B. surprised inded D. demanded
  25. A. discussion B. action C. practice D. production
  26. A. next B. first C. past D. previous
  27. A. cold B. wet C. loose D. clean
  28. A. excuse B. order C. permit D. reason
  29. A. exactly
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