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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 九年级上册试卷
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  • 更新时间: 2019/1/15 17:44:17
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  (    )1.Sir, you drove so fast just now. Could I see your driver's      ?
  A. safety      B. license      C. chance      D. project
  (    )2.The book belongs       Tom.
  A. for         B. with         C. to          D. into
  (    )3. --- Would you like to listen to music or play sports?
  ---       ! I prefer to do some reading.
  A. Both        B. Neither      C. All          D. Some
  (    )4.--- Shall we go to that restaurant for dinner, Mr. Smith?
  --- We'd better not. The dishes there are        .
  A. cheap       B. delicious    C. fresh        D. awful
  (    )5.It's _ to point your chopsticks at others while eating dinner,
  A. impolite    B. important    C. necessary    D. proper
  (    )6. This is the doctor       saved the baby's life.
  A. who         B. what         C. whose        D. which
  (    )7.--- Is that girl Han Mei ?
  --- No, it       be her. She has gone to America.
  A. can't       B. shouldn’t   C. mustn't      D. needn't
  (    )8.It       us rive hours to wort the problem.
  A. cost        B. took         C. paid         D. spent
  (    )9.       beautiful the girl is!
  A. How         B. What a       C. What         D. How a
  (    )10.       it's sunny outside, it is very cold .You'd better put on your coat.
  A. Because     B. Although     C. Unless       D. While
  (    )11. Today , too much water       in our school, We should save it.
  A. was wasted  B. wastes       C. wasted       D. is wasted
  (    )12. We have to       the school trip because of the bad weather.
  A. take off    B. put off      C. turn off     D. cut off
  (    )13.--- Do you like rocsic?
  --- No, I don't. I       light music to rocsic.
  A. protect     B. cause        C. prefer       D. prevent
  (    )14.Don't ask him to study too late at night.       , he is only a small child.
  A. After all   B. As a result  C. All of sudden   D. Without doubt
  (    )15.--- I thindents can go out alone on school nights.
  ---        .They may meet some bad people.
  A.I hope so   B.I don’t think so   C.I agree with you   D.I think so.
  A:16.                               B:I'm from Canada.
  A:Canada? 17.                      B:It’s cold.
  A:18.                              B: Yes, it's windy and it often snows.
  A: 19.      
  B: Yes, I like it very much because it isn’t cold in Guangzhou.
  A: Which season do you like best?    B: 20.      
  A: Do you like the weather in Guangzhou?       B: Is it windy?
  C:What do you do in summer?                    D: Where are you from, Linda?
  E: And I think spring is the best season here. F: How's the weather there?
  G: I limmer best because I can swim
  16.           17.       18.       19.        20.      
  Luke was born deaf. He couldn't hear  21_ people said. However , he was lovely and outgoing. He was well-known in town, and was  22  by everyone. In order not to hurt him, people treated him   23  as a little baby. They tried their best to look after  24  well.
  Luke didn't like to be treated differently from others.  25  his best friend Brian had the same idea. He didn’t think it was good  26  Luke. Brian's father was the town's Mayor(镇长). And Brian asked his father if people in town could experience a day lick's. His father  27  . On that day, everyone had to wear earplugs(耳塞).
  People enjoyed this  28  because they all wanted to know what Luke's life was like. The day was named the Day of Silence. When it arrived,  29  went out with earplugs(耳塞). There were jokes and laughter everywhere. Hours passed by, people realized although life was  30  for the deaf, Luke had done very well. So they thought Luke was really great. From then on, Luke was treated normally.
  (    ) 21.A. who          B. what            C. where      D. why
  (    ) 22.A. hated        B. invited         C. loved      D. ordered
  (    ) 23.A. kindly       B. dearly          C. angrily    D. carelessly
  (    ) 24.A. her          B. it              C. them       D. him
  (    ) 25.A. But          B. Or              C. And        D. Though
  (    ) 26.A. at           B. for             C. in         D. with
  (    ) 27.A. agreed       B. shouted         C. won        D. disagreed
  (    ) 28.A.stamp         B. idea            C. speech     D. discussion
  (    ) 29.A.nobody        B. everybody       C. somebody   D. anybody
  (    ) 30.A.difficult     B. easy            C. boring     D. different

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