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  Module 8 Unit 23 Conflict
  Lesson 1  Grammar-Inversion  Ss’ page
  Challenge 1:
  Rewrite these sentences:
  1) They will never admit their mistakes.
  2) He didn’t only say so, but he also did so.
  3) You hardly see these animals in the daytime.
  4) The farmers didn’t realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river.
  5) He had hardly fallen asleep when a loud knock at the door awaked him.
  Challenge 2:
  Find out and rewrite some sentences to make the letter sound more emphatic:
  Dear Sir,
  I am writing to complain about my recent stay at your hotel. I have never stayed in a more uncomfortable place before. It was not only dirty and untidy but there was a horrible smell, too. I had no sooner stepped in than a bad smell reached me.
  What I was disappointed with was the quality of the room: it was too small, the bathroom did not have a shower and the air-conditioning never worked.
  I have seldom had such terrible food. The waiter was wearing a dirty apron(围裙) and all he was interested in was the receptionist. What is more, I didn’t realize I had left my telephone in your terrible room until I left, but when I came back to find it, it was just gone.
  I shall expect financial compensation of $300. Otherwise, I intend to turn to your national tourist authorities(国家旅游协会) for assistance.
  Yours sincerely,
  Michael Grant 

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