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  • 更新时间: 2018/8/27 9:31:01
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  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
  例:How much is the shirt?
  A.£19.15.                            B.£9.18.                            C.£9.15.
  1.What is the woman doing now?
  A.Teaching at a school.                    B.Going into politics.                  C.Doing business.
  2.How old was Elvis when he died?
  A.77 years old.                          B.42 years old.                      C.50 years old.
  3.What does the woman mean?
  A.She will take notes for the man.           
  B.She will lend a pencil and pieces of paper to the man.
  C.One copy of the notes will be enough for them.
  4.What is the man likely to be?
  A.An owner of a house.                   B.A tourist guide.                  C.A hotel clerk.
  5.Where does the conversation most probably take place?
  A.In a clinic.                          B.In a library.                      C.At a restaurant.
  6.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
  A.Whose wallet it is.                      B.Where the wallet is.                  C.What is in the wallet.
  7.What will the man do next?
  A.Go to the supermarket.                  B.Search in the house.               C.Make a phone call.
  8.What happened to the man?
  A.He failed to keep an appointment.       
  B.He forgot the date and stayed at home.
  C.He meant to keep the woman waiting for him.
  9.What did the woman do to the man?
  A.She was angry with the man.             B.She forgave the man.                 C.She had words with the man.
  10.Why does the man want to hire some bikes?
  A.To visit the island with his friend.       
  B.To visit the bicycle rental shop.
  C.To go to work with his workmates.
  11.What does the woman suggest?
  A.Seeing her tomorrow.                  B.Going to the beach.                  C.Hiring a motorbike.
  12.Where is the man staying?
  A.At Burt's Bicycle Rental.                  B.At the Holiday Sun Hotel.          C.At No.100 Teckman Street.
  13.What does the professor think of Ella's report?
  A.Improvable.                         B.Unacceptable.                   C.Excellent.
  14.When did Ella hand in the report?
  A.On September 5th.                       B.On September 3rd.                 C.On September 1st.
  15.What is mentioned about Starbucks Coffee in the report?
  A.The taste of its coffee.                    B.Its management and service.        C.Its monthly sales.
  16.What does the professor advise Ella to do?
  A.Leave out some figures.                B.Find a new topic.                    C.Do more research.
  17.How were Chinatowns considered in urban areas in the past?
  A.Crowded but splendid.                B.Poor and crowded.                C.Rich or significant.
  18.In which of the following places are splendid Chinatowns present today?
  A.West Asia.                          B.Africa.                          C.America.
  19.What has turned the Chinatowns into centers of economic and social activity  recently?
  A.Investments.                          B.Communities.                      C.Tourism.
  20.When was the oldest Chinatown built?
  A.About 200 years ago.                     B.Less than 100 years ago.              C.More than 200 years ago.
  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  First opened to the public in 1976,the California State Railroad Museum is one of Sacramento's largest and most popular visitor destinations.Over 500,000 people visit the museum every year,with guests traveling from throughout the world to experience this world-famous place.
  The museum consists of six original buildings.The main exhibit buildi

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