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  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)(略)
  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  Here’s a selection of festivals for tourists to the United States in summer.
  San Francisco Silent Film Festival
  Films at this odd cinematic event have a variety of musical accompaniments, including piano and violin. It includes some classic silent movies. If you want to see them all, you can buy a festival pass.
  May 29 to June 1; www.silent film. org
  Union Street Festival
  This popular street fair stretches out over six blocks of the city, in the fashionable shopping area of Union Street. This year, there’s beer, wine tasting and more separate themes–––fashion, cuisine, tech, locals craft, and health and fitness.
  June 7 to 10: www.unionstreetfestival.com
  North Beach Festival
  This is San Francisco’s oldest street party, with live entertainment, delicious food and arts and crafts. Situated in the Little Italy district, known for its associations with the “Beat Generation”, festival goers are guaranteed plenty of good Italian food. There is also as the “blessing of the animals”, a San Francisco tradition which takes place at the National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi (610 Vallejo Street) at 2 pm on both days of the festival
  June 14 to 16; www.sfhorthbeach. org
  Stern Grove Festival
  This is the oldest free summer arts festival of its kind in the United States, It includes a wide variety of acts, from the local symphony orchestra to well-known artists such as Smokey Robinson.
  Sundays from June 22 to Aug 24; www.sterngrove. org
  21. Which of the following festivals contains the most themes?
  A. San Francisco Silent Film Festival.
  B. Union Street Festival.
  C. North Beach Festival.
  D. Stern Grove Festival.
  22. How is Beach Festival different from the other Festivals?
  A. It lasts the shortest time.   
  B. Festival goers can enjoy food in it.
  C. It has the longest history of food.   
  D. Some foreign culture is presented in it.
  23. When can you enjoy the oldest art festival in the United States?
  A. Saturdays in May.   
  B. Saturdays in July.
  C. Sundays in May.   
  D. Sundays in July.
  I considered an active social life as basic human necessity. Yet when it dawned on me just how much time I was spending socializing, I realized I may be taking it to an extreme. I calculated that, on average, I was spending 22 hours or more each week on social activities. So, to se

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