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  海南省海口二中2015---2016学年度第一学期 高一年级英语期中考试卷
  命题:张倩倩    审核:陈妹 
  时间:120分钟   总分:150分
  1.  What kind of work does Joy do?
  A. A driver.           B.A car saleswoman.           C.A customs official.
  2.  What will the speakers do next?
  A.They aren’t both anxious to try Italian food.
  B.They are likely to have dinner together.
  C.The man will treat the woman tonight.
  3. Where is the woman?
  A.In a hospital.            B.In a shop.             C.In a post office.
  4. What does the man mean?
  A.He likes his job.         B.He hates his job.        C.He will quit his job.
  5. When will Mr. Bruce be back?
  A.On January 13th.        B.On January 15th.        C.On January 16th.
  6.   Who is most possibly Jenny?     
  A.The daughter of the speakers. 
  B. The son of the speakers.
  C.The student of the speakers.
  7.   What are they talking about?     
  A.Jenny’s writing.      B.Jenny’s history study.      C.Jenny’s unfair treatment.
  8.   What’s the woman’s attitude toward Jenny?   
  A.Satisfied.           B.Optimistic.                  C.Worried.
  9.    What happened to the woman?
  A.She failed the exam.       B.She passed the exam.    C.She missed the exam.
  10. What does the man offer to do?
  A. Talk to the professor.
  B. Teach the professor a lesson.
  C. Ask the professor for credits.
  11.        What can the woman do to change the situation?  
  A. Have an extra exam.
  B. Have a talk with the professor.
  C. Do some additional homework.
  12.  Where does the man live now? 
  A.In a big city.         B.In the country.           C.In the mountain.
  13. Why couldn’t the woman sleep well at night?   
  A.She was not used to the silence.
  B.She was too tired to go to sleep.
  C.She was afraid of the noise made by the birds.
  14. What made the only noise at about two o’clock in the morning?   
  A.Some dogs.         B.Some birds.             C.Some cocks.
  15.  What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?     
  A.Boss and employee.      B.Teacher and student.        C.Doctor and patient.
  16. What’s wrong with the man?      
  A.He has a headache.      B.He has a stomachache.        C.He is all right.
  17. What do you know about the man?   
  A.He is honest.         B.He is always telling lies.        C.He is often sick.
  18.  What is the purpose of the

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