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  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略。
  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  For the Travel section, writers and editors selected special items to profile from a dozen cities.
  Brussels: Chocolate.
  Nearly half the chocolate consumed in the world is eaten in Europe, and Belgium---with average consumption of 14.99 pounds per person a year---certainly covers its fair share. While Brussels, the country’s capital, is home to hundreds of chocolate makers, what makes a visit necessary is the rich heritage of traditional chocolate makers.
  Budapest: Paprika(红辣椒)
  The job of preparing Hungarian paprika was once considered too dangerous for mothers to do. A woman who touched her children upon returning from work risrning them, so only the elderly and unmarried were allowed the delicate task of separating the skin from the flesh. But by the early 20th century, sweeter varieties and a machine turned paprika into a common feature of all Hungarian cuisine.
  Lisbon: Tiles(瓷砖)
  Is there a bluer country than Portugal? The blue sky and Atlantic Ocean embrace the land. The blue moods of Fado, the dark folsic, form the national soundtrack. And all across Portugal, the typically--- blue designs of azulejos----ceramic tiles---are spread across churches, castles, palaces, university halls, parks. The result is a beautiful land of Christian saints, Portuguese kings, historical glories, aristocrats(贵族) at leisure, seascapes and so on.
  Madrid: Guitars
  Walking into one the Madrid’s storied guitar makers’ workshops can feel like stepping into the past. Curly wood shavings, from the palest pine to ebony, fall onto the floor as artisans(工匠)turn some humble wood into works of art. It’s painstaking work---all done by hand---with classical guitar models and the methods of making them changing little over the last century.
  21. What does the job of preparing Hungarian papriggest?
  A. The popularity of Hungarian peppers            B. The difficult of processing peppers
  C. The unique tradition in Budapest                D. The hot level of Hungarian peppers
  22. Which city can be a splendid setting for a film?
  A. Brussels              B. Budapest           C. Lisbon          D. Madrid
  23. What’s the similarity of the four items?
  A. They’re all treasures of a city                  B. They all date back several centuries
  C. Their production processes are all painstaking     D. They all win popularity in most European countries
  The best family vacation that ever had was going on a road trip to Myrtle Beach. The trip was for 2 weering the March break from school. This trip was probably about 20 years ago so it was before the time of things like portable video games and being able to watch movies in the back seat.
  So to pass the many hours of travel my brother and I had to entertain ourselves and each other. My mum would set the bacp so that it was out own little playroom. She would pack everything up in the feet well so that we had a big level area to play in. We would play cards and board games.
  When it got to the point that we were at each other’s throats we would be sent bact own side of the seat and would be forced to either nap or read by ourselves until we could be friendly to each other again. I can remember us playing for quite some time when we turned the back seat into a spaceship and travelled around the earth.

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