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  • 更新时间: 2016/1/4 13:26:23
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  第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. When is Cold Feet and The Lost Soul shown?
  A.Today   B.On Thursday  C.On Saturday.
  2. Where does the man want to go?
  A.To a bookstore  B.To a chemist’s    C.To a shoemaker’s.
  3. How Old was the man when he went to Indonesia?
  A. 18    B. 19   C. 20.
  4. What does the woman advise the rnan to do?
  A .Drink less. B.See a doctor C.Stop smoking.
  5. What is the man?
  A .A teacher  B.A customer  C.A waiter.
  第二节  (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  6. What do you think the woman is?
  A. a landlady  B.A worker  C.A housewife
  7. Where does the woman live now?
  A. Out side the city   B. In the city  C. Near the school
  8.What does the woman want to do?
  A. Find an apartment   B. Decorate her room   C.Buy a new house
  9. When does the woman want to have breakfast?
  A. At 7:00   B. At 8:30   C. At 10:00  
  10. What kind of juice would the woman likd?
  A. Pineapple  B.Orange  C.Grape
  11.Where is the man?
  A. In America   B. In Japan  C. In Canada
  12.What does the man need to do first?
  A. Go to the tower  B. Ride a train   C. Buy a ticket
  13. How often does the train come?
  A. Every eight minutes  B. Every seven minutes   C. Every six minutes
  14. How many times has the man lost his job in five years?
  A.Once   B. Twice   C.Three times
  15. What will the man do?
  16. Why does the man want to make a change?
  17. Where was the glasshouse?
  A. Near a path   B. Near a school   C. Near a garden
  18. What was Mr Flowers dream?
  A. To grow more flowers
  B.To grow a rose of a new color
  C. To win a gold medal
  19. What did the boys do?
  A.They stole his flowers 
  B.They picked the roses  
  C.They broke his glasshouse
  20. How did Mr Flowers settle the trouble?
  A. By asking the policeman for help
  B.By doing something himself
  C.By reporting to the headmaster
  第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  第一节  (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
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