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  • 更新时间: 2015/11/26 18:47:49
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  第 I 卷
  第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. What is the man doing?
  A. Asking the woman a question.      B. Doing his Chinese homework.     
  C. Solving a maths problem.
  2. What are the man’s roommates like?
  A. Marnfriendly.     B. Daniel is good.        C. Tim is too picky.
  3. Where does this conversation probably take place?
  A. At an airport.          B. At a railway station.   C. At a bus stop.
  4. Why was the woman late?
  A. The traffic was bad.     B. She got up late.       C. Her flight was delayed.
  5. What will the man do?
  A. Repair the chair.       B. Buy a new chair for the woman.
  C. Give the woman a chair.
  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  6. How did the man feel about the rollercoaster?
  A. It was exciting.         B. It was terrifying.     C. It was just so-so.
  7. What did the woman intend to do?
  A. Went to the ghost room.             B. Rode the rollercoaster again.  
  C. Went to play on the bumper cars.
  8. Where is the Electronics Building?
  A. Opposite a big office building.        B. In front of a parking lot.     
  C. Near the Business Bank.
  9. At what time will the shop actually close?
  A. At 5:30 pm.          B. At 6:00 pm.        C. At 9:00 pm. 
  10. What happened to the man?
  A. He is ill in hospital.    B. His daughter is ill.    C. His wife just had a baby.
  11. Where is the man’s wife now?
  A. In the hospital.     B. At home.     C. At her mother’s.
  12. What will the woman do?
  A. See the man’s wife and give her some advice.    
  B. Go for a walk with the man and discuss something.   
  C. Buy some gifts for the man’s daughter.
  13. What was the man in the past?
  A. A teacher.       B. A salesman.      C. A shopkeeper.
  14. What is the fruit market like now?
  A. It is small and dirty.    B. It is big and clean.   C. It is big but dirty.
  15. What’s the main job of the man now?
  A. To carry fruit for customers.   B. To keep the fruit fresh.   C. To sell fruit.
  16. When does the man start to work?
  A. At 4:30.         B. At 5:30.        C. At 7:00.
  17. What is Sula?
  A. India’s first vineyard.          B. India’s largest vineyard. 
  C. India’s first grape farm.
  18. When did the tasting room at Sula open?
  A. Fifteen years ago.      B. Ninety years ago.     C. Ten years ago.
  19. What didn’t visitors to Sula learn to do?
  A. Make the best wine.    B. Taste wine.     C. Enjoy the mixture of flavors.
  20. What’s the situation of the women wine drinkers in India?
  A. They represent a large number of wine drinkers.     
  B. Their numbers are growing faster than men drinkers.
  C. They seldom buy or drink wine in big cities.
  第二部分  阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
  The hand, the eyes, and the brain work together to maman beings different from other animals. No other animals have all three parts to work together. No animals can do what human beings can do. Humans can do many things and feel many things with the hand. The hand can hold onto things and make things because the thumb works with the fingers. This fifth finger is strong. Most animals don’t have thumbs. The thumb can press against the other fingers. Without a thumb to press against the fingers, it is difficult to hold onto anything. The thumb and fingers can also fit the flat surface of a box and the curved (不平的) surface of a pencil. We can feel that something is hot or cold, soft or hard, smooth or rough. The hand, with thumb and fingers, is one of the best tools we have. Most animals see a flat picture. Their eyes

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