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  • 更新时间: 2015/11/14 13:22:11
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  分值:150分      时间:120分钟
  1.Which is the quickest way to the airport?
  A.By taxi.   B.By bus.   C.By underground.
  2.Where are the two speakers?
  A.In a restaurant.  B.In a hotel.  C.In the street.
  3.What can be concluded about Judy?
  A.Judy came to the party.
  B.Judy planned the party.
  C.Judy hasn't appeared yet.
  4.Who will pay for the dinner?
  A.The woman.  B.The man.    C.Both of them.
  5.What is happening outside?
  A.It is raining slightly.
  B.It is raining heavily.
  C.It is shining.
  6.How many bedrooms are there in the flat?
  A.One.       B.Two.     C.Four.
  7.What will the woman do after the conversation?
  A.She'll see the flat herself.
  B.She'll pay for the flat immediately.
  C.She'll have to look for another flat.
  8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A.Teacher and student.
  B.Doctor and patient.
  C.Husband and wife.
  9.Why does the woman think she is ill?
  A.She couldn't sleep at night.
  B.She is tired in the daytime.
  C.Both A and B.
  10.What's the woman worried about?
  A.Her exams.  B.Her work.      C.Her mother.
  11.What did the man look like when the woman came so late?
  A.He was calm.     
  B.He was a bit angry.
  C.He was pitiful.
  12.What day was it when the story took place?
  A.It was Saturday.
  B.It was Sunday.
  C.It was Thursday.
  13.When should the appointment be?
  A.More than an hour ago.
  B.Two hours ago.
  C.Half an hour ago.
  14.What will the girl do during the winter?
  A.She won't go anywhere for no money.
  B.She will have to stay at home to study English.
  C.She will go to Egypt.
  15.What do you suppose the boy's sister is?
  A.She is a passenger on the plane.
  B.She is a queen.
  C.She may be a stewardess.
  16.What do you think of the girl's feeling?
  A.She was hurt by the boy's words.
  B.The girl was happy.
  C.The girl cared nothing.
  17.Where does the speaker give the talk?
  A.On a bus.        
  B.In a university.
  C.At Bridgetown Castle.
  18.How old is the Grange?
  A.125 years.  B.200 years.     C.325 years.
  19.How many points of interest has the speaker mentioned?
  A.2.  B.3.  C.4.
  20.What do we know about Sir Henry?
  A.He loved his young wife very much.
  B.He died before the castle was finished.
  C.He had the castle built in England.
  第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  Welcome to the National Maritime(海洋) Museum!
  The National Maritime Museum is the largest of its kind in the world,with over two million items in its collections. Twenty galleries display some of the finest sea affairs in historic buildings,which were formerly a school for the sons of seamen.
  Opening times
  10:00-17:00 Winter hours  ;10:00-18:00 Summer hours
  Last admission (允许进入)is thirty minutes before closing. Smoking is not allowed in the museum. Eating and drinking are only allowed in the designated

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