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  • 更新时间: 2015/9/24 12:26:39
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  1. What does the woman like collecting best?
  A. Train tickets.        B. Coins. C. Stamps.
  2. Which country found lovely music is good for people’s hearts?
  A.Australia.   B. America. C. Russia.
  3. What is the woman eager to buy?
  A. Ice creams. B. Candy. C. Drinks.
  4. Where are the two speakers?
  A. In the bank.            B. In the classroom.  C. In the supermarket.
  5. What prevented the woman calling the man yesterday?
  A. She lost her cellphone.  B. Her cellphone was power off.  
  C. Her teacher took her cellphone away.
  6. What is the woman looking for?
  A. A casual dress.     B. An evening dress       C.A business suit.
  7. What will the woman do next?
  A. Try on the clothes.  B. Bargain with the man.  C. Pay for the clothes in cash.
  8. How old is the woman's grandfather?
  A. 79.  B. 78.  C. 80.
  9. What did the woman's grandfather do last winter?
  A. He went in the hospital.   B. He went on a cycling holiday.  C. He attended a skiing contest.
  10. What are the speakers arguing about?
  A. Which way to go.        B. Who to blame.     C. What transport to take.
  11. Why did the policeman stop the speakers?
  A. They took the wrong shortcut.   B. They drove beyond the speed limit.
  C. They went through the red light.
  12. What was the initial reason for what happened to the speakers?
  A. The woman didn’t prefer to travel by train.  
  B. The man failed to ask the way.
  C. The man forgot to book tickets earlier.
  13. What is the basic purpose of the IQ tests?
  A. To test who is brighter.             
  B. To test language and numerical ability. 
  C. To judge an individual talents.
  14. What makes so many unhappy parents in the world?
  A. Their children being stupid.  
  B. Their children’s failing in the exams.  
  C. Their children’s abilities not being developed.
  15. Why do some children do badly in school exams?
  A. They are not good with words and numbers.
  B. They do not study hard enough.  
  C. They are looked down upon by others in school.
  16. How can a person be happy?
  A. Putting your skills to good use.   B. Having a higher IQ.   C. Doing well in the exams.
  17. What is the conductor like?
  A. Anxious. B. Kind-hearted C. Absent-minded.
  18. What should Mr. Mora do in Princeton?
  A. Give a lecture.      B. Meet an old friend.    C. Visit a university.
  19. Why must Mr. Mora find the ticket?
  A. He might be fined.    B. He forgot the destination. C. He wrote something important on it.
  20. What kind of person is Mr. Mora?
  A. Forgetful.     B. Careful.   C. Bad-tempered.
  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  The aims of the Illustrators(插图画家) Exhibition, staged as part of the Bologna Children's Book Fair, organized by BolognaFiere and held from 23 to 26 December, are to bring illustrators and publishers together and to promote illustrators and their works among publishers.
  *Individual illustrators or groups of illustrators of any nationality, if they were born before 31st December 1996, whose artwork is intended for use in children's books, are qualified to enter the Exhibition, either directly or through publishing houses or schools.         
  *Please state in the application form whether you are entering work for the Fiction or Non  Category. Illustrators may only enter one category.         
  `*Artwork previously presented to the Exhibition may not be re-entered.
  *The confirmationform must be filled in and a photograph attached, then presented together with illustrations no later than15 October.

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