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  • 资源大小: 555 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2015/6/25 20:24:07
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  1. A. happy B. healthy C. hungry
  2. A. a pop game B. a ball game C. a short game
  3. A. 2:20 B. 3:40 C. 3:20
  4. A. You needn't take a car. B. You mustn't drive a car. C. You shouldn't buy a car.
  5. A. Jim entered  the room. B. Jim said something in the room.
  C. Jim went out of the room and said nothing.
  6. A. I'm  sorry.                             B. I'm  tired.                              C. I'm serious.
  7. A. You're welcome.                  B. Help yourself,  please.          C. Just looking,  thanks.
  8. A. The same to you.                  B. Than.                            C. Glad to hear that.
  9. A. Katie. Katie Reese.               B. Here's my name.                   C. Your name, please?
  10. A. It's opposite the bank.         B. You can walk there.             C. It's a tall building.
  11. A.         B.          C. 
  12.A.          B.             C. 
  13. A. He wants to take a taxi.    B. He left a wallet in a taxi.    C. He'll ask the driver for cards.
  14. A. A dish.                               B. A cook.                             C. A restaurant.
  15. A. Eat fish.                             B. Order lunch.                      C. Book a table.
  16. A. Two.                                  B. Three.                                C. Four.
  17. A. An engineer.                      B. A nurse.                             C. A teacher.
  18. A. He'll go to France.             B. He'll work in a store.         C. He'll fmd a part-time job.
  19. What are they doing now?
  A. Having a meeting. B. Reading new words. C. Having an English class.
  20. What can they get if they have one word wrong?
  A. A pen. B. A pencil. C. A picture.
  21. Which word do they begin with?
  A. Kitchen. B. Colorful. C. Page.
  22. Which country does the speaker mention?
  26. Look at _________ calendar. It's June 22.
  A. a B. an C. the D./
  27. My brother likes painting. It's one of _________ hobbies.
  A. my B. her C. his D. your
  28. There's an important football match today. I _________ miss it.
  A. may B. can't C. must D. needn't
  29. Could you please take my picture? Here is my _________.
  A. printer B. radio C. player D. camera
  30. Mom, I'm very _________ for all your love.
  A. thankful B. careful C. useful D. helpful
  31. I _________ the shops. Can I get you anything?
  A. go to B. went to C. have gone to D. am going to
  32. Paula is pleased that she _________ her lost watch.
  A. finds B. found C. has found D. will find
  33. The movie covers all of Chinese history. It is _________ worth seeing again.
  A. mainly • B. really C. possibly D. hardly
  34. We're proud that China _________ stronger and stronger these years.
  A. will become B. became C. is becoming D. was becoming
  35. This food is free. You don't have to

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