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  • 更新时间: 2015/5/13 21:59:16
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  第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
  第一节  (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
  1.What do you learn about the shoes?
  A.They are too big.
  B.They are too expensive.
  C.They are not suitable for the man.
  2.Who are the speakers probably talking about?
  A.The woman’s dog.    B.The man’s daughter.    C.The woman’s son.
  3.Where is the man going?
  A.The Best Street.    B.Michigan Avenue.    C.California Street.
  4.What does the woman mean?
  A.She seldom ate salad before.
  B.The man used to like eating meat.
  C.They always have opposite opinions.
  5.What do we learn about the man’s hat?
  A.It was a Christmas present.
  B.It was bought 13 years ago.
  C.The man doesn’t wear it very often.
  6.Why does the man want a new computer?
  A.His computer is slow.
  B.His computer is dirty.
  C.His computer is very old.
  7.What is true about the service introduced by the woman?
  A.It takes a long time.
  B.It is not expensive.
  C.It uses a special washing machine.
  8.Why won’t the man watch the World Series?
  A.His team isn’t in the Championship.
  B.He has been too busy recently.
  C.He is not a fan of baseball now.
  9.What is the man’s attitude during the conversation?
  A.Interested and excited.    B.Confused and calm.    C.Sad and annoyed.
  10.Why won’t the man take part in the Boston Marathon this year?
  A.He lost interest in running.
  B.He seldom ran in the Boston marathon.
  C.He hasn’t recovered from a car accident.
  11.What does the woman tell the man to do?
  A.Try to find a better doctor to cure his injury.
  B.Find something else to do for exercise.
  C.Find someone to teach him how to run safely.
  12.Why does the woman want to help the man?
  A.She doesn’t want his injury to get worse.
  B.She knows that running is important to him.
  C.She thinks the Boston Marathon is the most important.
  l3.How does the woman think of the man’s password?
  A.Confused.    B.Creative.    C.Ridiculous.
  14.How long should a password be according to the woman?
  A.At least four characters.  B.At least eight characters.  C.At least 10 characters.
  15.What happened to the man in 2007?
  A.He got his drivcr’s license.
  B.He bought a pet dog.
  C.He was born that year.
  l6.What’s the man’s new password?
  A.1-2-3-4.    B.Richardson.    C.Wingo2007.
  17.How long is it supposed to fly to Shanghai according to the schedule?
  A.Eleven hours and ten minutes.
  B.Eleven hours and fifteen minutes.
  C.Eleven hours and twenty-five minutes.
  18.When can passengers move around the cabin?
  A.When the seat belt sign is turned off.
  B.When the air hostess tells them to do so.
  C.When the speaker finishes the announcement.
  19.What kind of information can the passengers get from the magazine?
  A.A list of drinking.    B.Evening meals.    C.A list of movies.
  20.What can we learn about the flight?
  A.Dinner will be served in about half an hour.
  B.Smoking is only allowed in certain areas.
  C.One will face a big fine for not fastening up.
  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  第一节  (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  Fire Station No.6 in Livermore,California,houses a celebrity—a 107-year-old light bulb(灯泡)that has been on for over a million hours,earning the title of the“World’s longest continuously burning bulb”by Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!The bulb also holds the Guinness World Record.
  Nobody knows why this bulb has stayed alive for so many years.Most people believe that it is due to two reasons—it has almost never been turned off and it is really well made.Its perfect seal lets no air in.keeping its carbon filament(灯丝)from burning out.
  The bulb was first installed at the fire department hose cart house on L Street in 1901.In 1903 it was moved to the new Station 1 on First and McLeod,and survived the renovation(翻修)of the Firehouse in 1937.when it was off for about a week.The last time the bulb was switched off was in July l976,when it was moved to Fire Station No.6.Thousands of people watched as the electrician tried to re-attach the bulb at its new location.At first nothing h

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