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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 九年级上册试卷
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  • 资源大小: 2.95 MB
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  • 更新时间: 2015/1/31 14:39:32
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. 全卷满分为120分,考试时间100分钟。
  卷  一
  第一部分  听力部分(所给的选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑)
  1. How does Ben learn English?
  A.     B. C.
  2. Which sign are the two speakers talking about?
  A. B. C.
  3. How did Jim use to go to school?
  A. B. C.
  4. .What are they talking about?
  A.                  B.                       C.
  5. When does Mary have to be home on Friday nights?
  A.                       B.                      C.
  6. Whose favorite band is The Cool Kids?
  A. girl’s.           B. boy’s             C. we don’t know.
  7. What kind of music does Tony like?
  A. He lisic that he can dance to .     
  B. He lisic that has great lyrics    
  C. He lisic that he can sing along with
  8.When is Fred going to the United States?
  A. Next Monday.     B. Next Tuesday.         C. Next Wednesday.
  9. How will Fred and Lily communicate with each other?
  A. By writing letters.  B. By making phone calls.  C. By sending e-mail.
  10. What can we learn about Fred?
  A. Fred an Lily will study together in the United States.
  B. Fred will study in the United States for a long time.
  C. Fred’s parents want him to work in the United States.
  11. A. Green City       B. Green Town       C. Water Town
  12. A. Cloudy            B. Windy            C. Cold but sunny
  13. A. swim           B. go hiking          C. take photos
  14. A. 200 dollars       B.150 dollars        C. 100 dollars
  15. A. To enjoy sports. B. To make money.    C. To sleep in comfortable rooms.
  第二部分 笔试部分
  16. ----Dad, can you buy me ________ iPhone 6?
  ----Why? Your mobile phone refuses to work?
  A. a B. an C. the D. /
  17. ----_____ do you tach beautiful photos?
  ----I make it ______ practicing a lot.
  A. What; by B. Where; at C. Why, in D. How, by
  18. ----May I have a picnic with my friends this afternoon?
  ----I'm afraid not. _______ you have finished your homework.
  A. Unless B. Because C. If D. Though
  19. ----I __________ whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong.
  ----Well, it’s believable that the weather then in Hong Kong is satisfying.
  A. wonder B. regret    C. warn D. expect
  20. ----Martin Murray used to be afraid of being __________.
  ----But now he realizes that his mother is always there for him.
  A. proud B. absent C. alone D. active
  21. ----Smoking should not ____________ in school.
  ----I agree. It’s bad for our health.
  A. be allowed B. allow C. be required  D. require
  22. ----He is ____________ the cleverest student I've ever taught.
  ---- Yap! And he is always patient and kind-hearted.
  A. all of a sudden   B. without doubt    C. at the same time    D. in that case
  23. ----Whose is that book?
  ----It _________ belong to Lucy. Her name is on it.
  A. must B. mustn't C. might   D. can't
  24. ----By the time I realized it was a hoax, it _________ me_________ so much.
  ----Poor you!
  A. had made ….fell at home B. had showed…up C. had let…down      D. kick…off
  25. ----I lost the chance to take part in the speaking competition
  A. Congratulations   B. Good luck     C. What a pity D. Well done

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