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  • 更新时间: 2014/10/19 17:17:50
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  第一部分  听力部分
  1.How does Mike learn Chinese?
  A.                       B.                     C.
  2.Which festival are they talking about?
  A.                       B.                     C.
  3. What does Li Lei usually do after dinner?
  A.                      B.                      C.
  4. Where is the woman going ?
  A.                       B.                     C.
  5. Which subject did se to be afraid of?
  A.                      B.                      C.
  6. Where do the people have Water Festival?
  A. In North China. B. In South China. C. In West China.
  7. What does the boy think of this festival?
  A. Fun. B. Exciting. C. Scary.
  8. When is the girl going to Hong Kong?
  A. Next Saturday. B. Next Sunday. C. Next Friday.
  9. What is the girl going to watch?
  A. Dragon boat races. B. Soccer games. C. Concerts.
  10. Does the girl like dragon boat races?
  A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn't. C. We don't know.
  A walr plan
  Time Things to do
  This afternoon Have a walr of the   11  .
  Monday afternoon Go to the sports center to play   12  , tennis or go swimming.
  13  Go to the   14   club.
  Saturday Go to Mount Tai at   15   in the morning.
  11. A. city B. town C. village
  12. A. football B. volleyball C. basketball[
  13. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday
  14. A. art B. music C. film
  15. A. 6:30 B. 7:30 C. 8:30
  第二部分  笔试部分
  16. —Whether you love or hate Apple, it's hard not to admire Jobs.         
  —I agree. As ________ Apple fan, I'll always remember him.     
  A. an            B. a             C. the             D./
  17. —Lily, ______do you study for a math test?
  —By asking my teacher for help.
  A.  How         B. Who           C. Why           D. What
  18. —He dressed up as a ghost last night. How scary!
  —Take it easy! He just played a trick ________us.
  A. at             B. in               C. on             D. of
  19. After an 8-weemmer vacation, students usually  ____  some weight when they return to school.
  A. put away B. put up           C. put in          D. put on
  20. I found _______ interesting to watch the documentary A Bite Of China II.
  A. it       B. that’s C. that       D. it’s
  21.-Which team do youlike best in the 2014 World Cup?
  -I love Germany. Because they never give up____ there are difficulties in front of them.
  A. but   B. even though C. however       D. unless
  22. —I really like to watch the TV program I AM A SINGER.
  —Me, too. It’s one of the________ TV programs I’ve ever seen.
  A. least boring     B. least interesting    C. most boring      D. most interesting
  23. —I’d like to visit Kate tomorrow. Do you know________?
  —Sorry, I don’t know her address, either.
  A. why she lives there                 B. who she lives with  
  C. where she lives                    D. how she lives
  24. — Look at the photo I took in Jinghong, Yunnan Province. ____ fantastic the Water Festival is !
  — Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival.
  A. What      B. How      C. What a         D. How a
  25. —Excuse me, could you help me move the bag?
  A. It’s a piece of cake .           B. Use it or lose it.
  C. Practice makes perfect.         D. It serves you right.
  阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 使文章完整、通顺。
  Martin is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a “problem child”, but a recent  26  with his mother changed his life. He didn’t use to give his mother many problems.  27  , after his father’s death a few years ago, Martin’s life became   28  more difficult. His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education. To do this, she  29  work, and so she was often not at home.
  His mother looked after him as   30  as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems. He was not   31  in studying and he often got in to trouble. His mother was very  32   but she didn’t give up trying to help him. In the end, she   33  a difficult decision: to send him to a boys’ boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble.
  One day, he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. The teacher said it was necessary for Martin to   34  with his mother. Martin called his mother, but to his   35  , this phone call changed his life. “It was exactly   36   I needed, ”he said. “My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was  37  me and would always take pride in everything good I do. That’s when I decided to change. I realize that   38  my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me. ”
  Now Martin has   39  changed. He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class. How was he able to change? His mother’s   40  helped him to feel good about himself.                                                                    
  26. A. conversation B. report C. survey D. speech
  27. A. So  B. But C. Therefore D. However
  28. A. very B. many C. much   D. too
  29. A. could  B. had to   C. should D. would
  30. A. soon B. quickly C. well  D. good
  31. A. pleased  B. tired C. bored D. interested
  32. A. worried   B. kind C. careful D. serious
  33. A. made B. took  C. got     D. thought
  34. A. argue B. say C. speak D. talk
  35. A. surprised B. surprising C. surprise D. surprises【
  36. A. which   B. what C. that  D. how
  37. A. seeing  B. noticing C. helping D. watching
  38. A. since   B. before C. after D. when
  39. A. always B. hardly C. really  D. just
  40. A. advice B. love C. idea D. decision

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