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  • 更新时间: 2014/9/25 19:48:12
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  时间: 100分钟   满分: 120
  第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中.选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  Cyber English
  There are new and exciting ways to use the Internet to learn English while you are online. The Internet uses a lot of multimedia elements(要素), like words, sounds, pictures, cartoons and videos. This is perfect for studying a language because you’ve got to see, hear, and repeat things as much as you like, Learning over the Internet is also fun because you can be a part of conversations happening all around the globe! Special Internet sites are designed for people to learn English and are a great way to meet other people around the world.
  The Language of the Net
  On the Internet, English is the major language. As a result, it is now more important than ever to be able to understand English when you scan the web. It is not always easy, though. The English can be difficult or have a lot of cultural information that you have never seen.
  See You in Town!
  One site specially designed for students and their teachers is Englishtown. At http://www.englishtown. com you will find a group of people interested in learning English. There are several buildings in the virtual(虚拟的) town where you can play games, chat with friends, ask and get answers to language and cultural questions, and find an international pen friend who shares your interests. There are other resources to help you learn, such as multimedia CD-ROMs and books for language learning and translation. You can also have daily and monthly English lessons delivered to your own e-mail address. There is even an online school where you can take English classes over the Internet. Englishtown is the perfect place to prepare for a trip to England or the United States!
  Would you like to become part of a virtual community of English speakers?
  Learn by Yourself
  Surfing the web is not only fun but can also help improve your English! Try out some of the websites listed below and see how students all over the world are learning English online.
  1. Cyber English probably means ______.
  A. learning English on the Internet B. learning English by oneself
  C. scanning the English websites D. Learning English on TV or over the radio
  2.  Studying English online interests a lot of people because _____.
  A. Only in this way can one learn English well
  B. it mady easier and more interesting
  C. people like to challenge new things
  D. learner can receive face-to-face education
  3.  It can be learned from the text that _____.
  A. at http://www.englishtown.com people can buy things they need
  B. English is the only important language on the Internet.
  C. the Internet can provide people with the cultural information they need
  D. it’s difficult for learners to find a pen friend in Englishtown
  4.  The following part of the text might _____.
  A. tell us how to use the Internet
  B. show us some of the websites on which English is taught
  C. tell us where to get the CD-ROMs we need
  D. show us the websites on which books are sold.
  My personal opinion is that there is a built-in mechanism(机制) for teenagers to start to be annoyed by their parents at around the age of 12 when they become “cool”. The parents’ reaction is then negative because they are now hated instead of being admired. Most parents can’t deal with this situation and it drives them crazy. Half of parents get tired and give up all the rules, while the other half become so strict that the kids begin to hate them.
  If parents want to help their teenager get through it they need to understand what is going on which nearly all parents DON’T . This ensures that both parties will fail each other and generally cause annoyance, stress and ill will!
  On the other hand, the teenager needs to understand the insecurity(不安) the parent feels as the teenager increasingly has a mind of his or her own. Sure, the kid has never done anything wrong and when the parents make improper rules or start calling that teenager certain qualities that he or she has never had, the teenager’s natural reaction is to fight bacckily for parents, teenagers’ first reaction is rarely to hurt their parents deeply. However, they will do other things, such as drinking, tags, and having poor performance in school as revenge (报复) for the words and actions of their parents. What neither side understands is that they are hurting themselves and each other and the only cause is lacking the ability to consider things calmly for both sides. Therefore, keeping calm is the first step.
  5. What is the text mainly about?
  A. Why parents and teenagers fight. B. Why some kids behave badly in school.
  B. What makes teenagers think negatively? D. How parents should males on teenagers.
  6. The underlined word “it’ in Paragraph 1 refers to _____.
  A. parents’ failure to rule teenagers B. teenagers’ revenge
  C. teenagers’ disrespect to parents D. parents’ insecurity
  7.  Some teenagers hate their parents because ____.
  A. they want to become cool B. their material needs aren’t satisfied
  C. they want to challenge their parents D. they get too many rules from their parents
  8.  About the relationship between parents and teenagers, what can we learn?
  A. There’s no good way to deal with their fighting.
  B. They should think more for both sides calmly.
  C. Teenagers should take more responsibility than parents.
  D. Teenagers are likely to admire their parents after 12 years old.
  As a kid,I felt my happiness would be based on whether I could fulfill all my needs and wants. If I was rich,I would definitely be content with my life.
  My father always stressed his belief in happiness. I can remember him lecturing me about how money does not make one happy and how other things in life such as health,family,friends,and memorable experiences make a person genuinely happy. At that time in my life,I did not put any thought into his words as usual.
  At a young age,I noticed the media seemed to portray(描绘) the wealthy as happy people that add value to our society. At high school I still sought a career that would produce a high salary.
  After my second year of college,I started my fi

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