《How do you study for a test》检测题(5份)

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  UNIT 1  How do you study for a test?检测题
  1. What is John looking for?  
  A. B. C.
  2. How does Tom learn English?
  A. B. C.
  3. When is the boy’s birthday?
  A. B. C.
  4. How will Mike go to Beijing?
  A. B. C.
  5. What is Mr. Brown’s telephone  number?
  A. B. C.
  6. How will the man go to Beijing Zoo?
  A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By car.
  7. Who is going to get some pictures?
  A. Tom. B. Mr. White. C. Mrs. Brown.
  8. What’s wrong with the woman?
  A. She wants to have a rest.   B. She’s tired. C. She’s ill.
  9. What does the man want to do?
  A. Climb hills. B. Go fishing. C. Go shopping.
  10. What does the woman mean?
  A. Mr. Black is free. B. Mr. Blact. C. Mr. Blacsy.
  11. A. Good luck. B. It’s great. C. I’ll try it.
  12. A. It’s nice of you to say so. B. We’d love to. C. Don’t say that.
  13. A. No, I don’t like. B. Quite well. C. Yes, I’d love to.
  14. A. Yes, I do. B. Sorry, I won’t. C. No, I don’t.
  15. A. Congratulations. B. That’s true. C. Have a good time.
  16. Who are the man’s parents staying with?
  A. His sister. B. His brother. C. His friend.
  17. Why doesn’t the man’s father like the city?
  A. He likes to live alone. B. He likes the country life. C. He hates the noises.
  听第二段对话,回答第 18至20小题。
  18. What will the boy and the girl do this evening?
  A. See a film. B. Go for a walk. C. Watch TV.
  19. When will they meet at the bus stop?
  A. At 7:30. B. At 7:00. C. Before 7:00.
  20. Who bought the tickets?
  A. The girl’s mother. B. The girl. C. The boy.
  21. —How do you study for an English test?  
  A. By work with friends. B. By listen to tapes.  
  C. By asking the teacher with help. D. By making vocabulary lists.  
  22. Playing with fire ______ dangerous.  
  UNIT 1  How do you study for a test?
  (分数100分 时间90分钟)
  第一卷 听力部分(15分)
  Ⅰ.听句子, 选择与所听句子相符合的图片(5分)
  M:If you don't know the meaning of a word, loop in a dictionary.
  W:As for me, listening to English songs is a good way to learn English.
  M:Liu Yi ng learns English by reading English books.
  W:The teacher showed him how to make flashcards.
  M:The girl says she loves reading English newspapers.
  Ⅱ.听两段较长对话, 选择最佳答案(5分)
  听第一段对话, 回答第6~7题。
  W:Do you have any problems when you learn English?
  M:Yes.I don't know how to improve my writing skills.
  W:I think keeping a diary every day is a good idea.
  M:But I often make mistakes in grammar when I write English sentences.
  W:I have a wonderful grammar book.I can lend it to you.
  M:Than very much.It's very kind of you.
  6.What kind of skills does the boy want to improve?
  A.His speaking skills. B.His reading skills. C.His writing skills.
  7.What does the girl do to help the boy?
  A.She lends him a dictionary.
  B.She lends him a grammar book.
  UNIT 1  How do you study for a test?
  1.—How do you study for a test?
  —I study _________working with a group.
  2.—Do you  ever practise conversation with friends?
  —I do that sometimes.I think it _________.
  3.—Have you ever studied with a g roup?
  —Yes.It improves my speaking _________.
  4.What is your favourite _________ to learn more English?
  5.He thinks that the movie is frustrating because the people speak too _________.
  6.He thinks_________(学习英语语法) is too boring.
  答案:learning English grammar 
  7.The best way to learn new words is by_________(读英语杂志).
  答案:reading English magazines 
  8.You’d better_________(大声朗读) to practise pronunciation.
  答案:read aloud 
  9.He said he couldn’t_________(记忆单词).
  答案:memorize the words
  10.They gave us many_________(详细的建议).
  答案:specific suggestions 
  11._________(看英语电影) is also a good way to learn English.
  答案:Watching English movies
  12.Amy often_________(做笔记) in class.
  答案:takes notes/writes notes 
  13.The students want to write_______ __(完整的句子).
  答案:complete sentences 
  14.They_________(害怕) to speak English out of class.
  答案:are afraid 
  15.Students in school might feel they have _________(好多工作要做).
  答案:too much work to do
  UNIT 1  How do you study for a test?
  1.A.working B.studying C.making D.reading(  )
  听力原文:I lidying with a group.
  2.A.practise B.speak C.improve D.make(  )
  听力原文: Do you often practise convers ations with your friends?
  3.A.in the morning B.after meal
  C.in the evening D.before you go to bed(  )
  听力原文:What about reading aloud in the morning?
  4.A.in the list B.in magazines
  C.in the club D.in notebooks(  )
  听力原文:Mei can’t understand the words in magazines.
  5.A.listening B.asking
  C.watching D.studying(  )
  听力原文:Do you learn English by watching English videos?
  6.A.Yes,she did. B.No,she didn’t.
  C.Yes,she has. D.No,she hasn’t.(  )
  听力原文:M:Ma Li,have you ever gone out  with an English-speaking friend?
  Question: Ma Li has ever gone out with an English-speaking friend,hasn’t she?
  7.A.By writing vocabulary lists. B.By watching TV.(  )
  C.By listening to cassettes. D.By reading English books.
  听力原文:W:Do you learn English by listening to cassettes,Pierre?
  M:No,I learn English by watching TV.
  Question : How does the man learn English?
  8.A.Join an English club. B.Do more reading.
  C.Study with a group. D.Take a lot of notes. (  )
  听力原文:W:I can’t understand spoken English,Mr Wu.What should I do?
  M: Don’t worry,Li Li.Why don’t you join an English  club to practise your speaking?
  Question: What does Mr  Wu tell Li Li to do?
  9.A.No,he didn’t. B.Yes,he does.
  C.Yes,he did. D.No,he doesn’t.(  )
  UNIT 1  How do you study for a test?
  (   ) 1.They_______speaking English at the English corner to improve their spoken English.
  A. stopped                 B. practiced  
  C. finished                   D. forgot
  (   ) 2. I’m sorry I can’t _______ you. Would you please speak more slowly?
  A. realize                      B. impress
  C. follow                D. lose
  (   ) 3. — How do you come to school every day?
  — _________. It’s good for my health.
  A. By air.                   B. On foot.  
  C. By car.                     D. By bus.
  (   ) 4. My grandmother found watching TV _______ but I enjoyed it very much.
  A. frustrated             B. frustrating  
  C. exciting                D. excited
  (   ) 5. I’m trying to find a better way to _______ my old books.
  A. look on                B. find out
  C. break off              D. deal with
  (   ) 6. What we read usually _______ our thinking.
  A. believes               B. regards
  C. influences                 D. memorizes
  (   ) 7. Many students memorize the new wo

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