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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 中考模拟试卷
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  • 资源大小: 54 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2014/6/10 21:08:41
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第I卷(选择题部分  共50分)
  Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15分)
  1. –There is _______ interesting book on the teacher’s desk. --Oh, ______ book is Wei Fang’s.
  A. an; the           B. the; the           C. the; a             D. a; the
  2. 1 The second book ______I want to read is Business @ the Speed of Thought.
  A. which            B. that              C. what              D. as
  3. Tom is weak in physics. He always feels _______ before he takes a physics test.
  A. interested         B. comfortable       C. nervous           D. proud
  4. –-You should be _______ careful when you take the chemistry exam.
  ---I agree. In this way, I will make _______ mistakes.
  A. more; less         B. more; more       C. less; fewer        D. more; fewer
  5. When the students were playing games on the playground, Jim suddenly stopped _____
  and began to cry, so we stopped _______ what was wrong with him.
  A. to play; seeing      B. playing; to see    C. playing; seeing      D. to play; to see
  6. –--Which would you like, tea or coffee?    ---_______. I really don’t mind.
  A. Either             B. Neither          C. Both              D. Any
  7. I wonder when they ___ for Beijing. I will go to the train station to see them off when
  they ______.
  A .leave, will leave     B. will leave, leave   C. will go, leave      D. go, leave
  8. All of us went to the park ______ Bob. He had to look after his sister.
  A. besides            B. with             C. except            D. around
  9. –Look! A man is cutting a tree on the moon.
  --It ______ be true. The teacher said there is no air on the moon.
  A. can’t              B. may not          C. shouldn’t          D. mustn’t
  10. ---Few young people in China know about Lady Gaga , _______?
  ---_______, she is quite famous here in China.
  A. do they; No        B. do they; Yes       C. don’t they; No      D. don’t they; Yes
  11. ---Who can tell me_______?   ---Every 15 minutes.
  A. when the bus will arrive.            B. how often the bus arrives
  C. how long has the bus been away      D. when will the bus arrive
  12. –Do you know the man ________ visited the United States in February?
  --Yes. He is Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping. He said it was his ____ visit to the United States.
  A. /, five           B. that, five         C. who, fifth           D. which, fifth
  13. –Where is Tom?  --He _______ the USA. He _______ back in two months.
  A. has gone to; comes                     B. has been to; will be
  C. has been to; comes                     D. has gone to; will be
  14. –Lots of trees and flowers ________ on both sides of the road last year.
  --Oh, _______ beautiful they are!
  A. have been planted; how                 B. were planted; what
  C. were planted; how                     D. have been planted; what
  15. Teachers often tell their students _______ across the road when the traffic light

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