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  • 更新时间: 2013/7/18 5:58:08
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  考试时间100分钟, 满分120分 
  第I卷  选择题 (50分)
  Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)
  1. Everything comes with_______ price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.
  A. a        B. the     C. an            D. /
  2. —Tom, you are always full of ______. May I know the secret?
  —Well, I just take plenty of exercise every day.
  A. energy      B.  love      C. interest       D. power
  3. The t wo girls are getting on very well and share _______ with each other.
  A. little         B. much       C. some        D. none
  4. Can you pass my glasses to me, Jerry? I can _______ see the words on the blackboard.
  A. simply        B. really      C. hardly       D. clearly
  5. I had great difficulty ________ the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.
  A. find          B. found       C. to find       D. finding
  6. — I can’t fix these until tomorrow, I’m afraid.   — That’s OK, there’s ______.
  A. no problem   B. no wonder  C. no doubt  D. no hurry .
  7. --- ___ plastic bags we use, _______ it will be to the environment.
  --- I agree.
  A. The fewer, the better B. The less, the better C. The less, the worse D. The fewer, the worse
  8. --- What would you do if it ______ tomorrow?
  --- We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready.
  A. rain    B. rains     C. will rain    D. is raining  
  9. --- Mum, _____ I finish my homework now?
  --- No, you _____. You may have a rest first and finish it later.
  A. may, mustn’t   B. must, can’t   C. may, may not   D. must, needn’t
  10. Ben _______ Harry Potter when I went to see him last night.
  A. was reading     B. is reading      C. will read     D. read
  11. The new computers _________ to the village schools next Tuesday. 
  A. are sent   B. were sent   C. will be sent      D. have sent
  12.—You won’t pass the oral English test ______ you practice speaking more.
  —I am sure that I will be the best. Don’t worry, mum.
  A. when        B. if       C. unless      D. after
  13. More and more young people are fond ___ playing tennis nowadays.
  A. on           B. to         C. in            D. of
  14. ---The light in his room is still on. Do you know _______?
  ---In order to get ready for the coming exam.
  A. if he works hard               B. why he stays up so late
  C. why is he so busy             D. when he will stop working
  15. — Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game on Friday evening ?
  — ______, Bob, but I promised Mary I’d go with her.
  A. My pleasure  B. Thanks C. Take it easy    D. Forget it
  A:You look unhappy today.    16       
  B:Yesterday when I came home,I found my parents looking through my schoolbag.I got very      angry.Shouldn’t I keep my own secrets?
  A:Of course you can r private (个人的) ideas and secret things.    17     
  B:No,but I shouted to them.They didn’t say a word.They just kept silent.    18    
  A: In fact,your parents shouldn’t loogh your schoolbag.They should respect your   privacy (私人权利).   19     They want to mare you aren’t in any trouble,and they want to understand your life and study better in this way.Maybe you hurt your parents.
  B:I agree.    20    
  A:Say sorry to them.Try talking to them more.Let them know what you are doing,so that they won’t worry about you so much.
  B:OK.I’ll do as you told me.

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