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  (    ) 1. A. place       B. palace       C. Paris
  (    ) 2. A. December 18, 2013.  B. December 8, 2013. C. November 18, 2013.
  (    ) 3. A. beside.              B. before.           C. behind.
  (    ) 4. A. set up               B. pick up           C. put up        
  (    ) 5. A. Tom and other students in Grade Nine went to plant trees.
  B. Tom didn’t go to plant trees with his classmates in Grade Nine.
  C. Tom and some other students in Grade Nine didn’t go to plant trees.
  Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  (    ) 6. A. I’ll give them to my friend. B. They must be Lily’s.
  C. I like them very much.
  (    ) 7. A. That is great.   B. I am sorry to hear that.   C. It doesn’t matter.
  (    ) 8. A. I’m sorry. They have been sold out.
  B. So many people want to go there.
  C. Where?
  (    ) 9. A. It’s Monday     B. It’s a bit cold     C. I like it here
  (    ) 10. A . Lovely, isn’t it     B .Than    C. Not, not really
  Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选出最佳选项(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)
  (    ) 11.
  A.                  B.                C.
  (    ) 12. A.    B.    C. 
  (    ) 13. A. At the school. B. In the street. C. On the playground.
  (    ) 14. A. Tea            B. Water          C. Coffee
  (    ) 15. A. The basketball game isn’t good.      B. Chinese players were pretty good.
  (    )1. A. sun            B. son            C. sign
  (    )2. A. $29            B. $30           C. $39
  (    )3. A. take a walk      B. take a rest      C. take a seat
  (    )4. A. Both Tom and I have been to London.
  B. Neither Tom and I have been to London.
  C. I have been to London, but Tom hasn’t been there.
  (    )5. A. The bridge was built last month.   B. The bridge is being built.
  C. The bridge will be built next year.  
  Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  (    )6. A. My teacher praised me.    B. I lost the game.         C. I’ve been to Japan. 
  (    )7. A. That’s a good idea.      B. Yes, please.               C. I don’t think so.
  (    )8. A. I agree with you.        B. I’ll try it.              C. Than very much.
  (    )9. A. In two weeks.        B. At the Central Park.      C. For about two years. 
  (    )10. A. Really?            B. Yes, I did.                C. So I did.
  Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选出最佳选项(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)
  (    )11. A.   B.    C. 
  (    ) 1. A. ride          B. read          C. raised
  (    ) 2. A. except        B. exact         C. excite  
  (    ) 3. A. 8894142      B. 8984241      C. 9894412
  (    ) 4. A. cut up        B. come up      C. call up
  (    ) 5. A. She prefers to dance      B. She doesn’t like staying at home on weekends.
  C. She would rather watch TV than go dancing on weekends.
  Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  (    ) 6. A. Be careful. B. Good idea. C. That’s right.
  (    ) 7. A. Not at all. B. Nothing special. C. Of course.
  (    ) 8. A. What a pity!     B. Help yourself. C. Watch out!
  (    ) 9. A. Than all the same. B. Nice to meet you. C. Excuse me.
  (    ) 10. A. At 7:30. B. On Monday. C. Half an hour.
  Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选出最佳选项(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)
  (    ) 11. A.   B.   C. 
  (    ) 12. A.   B.   C. 
  (    ) 13. A. An Mp4        B. A mobile phone      C. An Mp3 player
  (    ) 14. A. Turn down the music. B. Turn on the radio. C. Do her homework. .
  (    ) 15. A. This Saturday. B. Next Friday.  C. Next Saturday.
  (    ) 16. What time does Li Ming get up every morning?
  A. At 6:30 B. At 6: 00 C. At 6: 40
  (    ) 17. Who cooks breakfast for Li Ming every day?
  A. Li Ming’s mother B. Li Ming himself C. Li Ming’s father
  (    ) 18. What’s the woman probably?
  A. A teacher B. A reporter C. A student
  (    ) 1. A. watch       B. which       C. what
  (    ) 2. A. 63987569    B. 36897569     C. 63756934
  (    ) 3. A. heard of      B. heard from   C. heard about
  (    ) 4. A. take a train   B. take a ship   C. take a plane
  (    ) 5. A. Both Bob and I aren’t allowed to go out on school nights.
  B. Bob is not allowed to go out on school nights, but I am.
  C. Neither Bob nor I am allowed to go out on school nights.
  Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  (    ) 6. A. Good idea.     B. Yes, please.   C. Never mind.
  (    ) 7. A. It’s Friday. B. Hold on, please. C. Good morning!
  (    ) 8. A. The same to you.  B. Have a good time.   C. You’re so kind.
  (    ) 9. A. You’re welcome.  B. That’s right.    C. I’m afraid not.
  (    ) 10. A. It’s 240 yuan. B. It’s fine today. C. Hurry up, please.
  Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选出最佳选项(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)
  (   ) 11. A.     B.      C. 
  (   ) 12.  A. B. C.
  (    ) 13. A. Black shorts.       B. A red T-shirt.         C. A white shirt.
  (    ) 14. A. They cost $ 80.     B. They cost $ 120.       C. They cost $ 100.
  (    ) 15. A. In Scotland. B. In Spain. C. In France.
  (    ) 16. A. There was too much homework for her to do.
  B. She had no time to spend on her hobbies.
  C. She argued with her best friend.
  (    ) 17.A. She will write a letter.      B. She will call her up.
  (    ) 1. A. waste       B. weight       C. wait
  (    ) 2. A. everywhere     B. somewhere   C. nowhere
  (    ) 3. A. price         B. praise         C. prize
  (    ) 4. A. By the end of      B. In the end        C. At the end of
  (    ) 5. A. y father decided to take a vacation this summer.
  B. My father didn’t make a decision to have a holiday this summer.
  C. Where we will go for a holiday isn’t decided by my father.
  Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  (    ) 6. A. Very well. B. Fine. C. Fine, than.
  (    ) 7. A. Yes, please. B. No, than. C. Yes, I'd love to.
  (    ) 8. A. Never. B. Three times. C. Once.
  (    ) 9. A. No, I don't. B. Very soon. C. No, never.
  (    ) 10. A. Go there by plane. B. Fly like a bird. C. Ride like a flying bird.
  Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选出最佳选项(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)
  (    ) 11. A.   B.   C. 
  (    ) 12. A.   B.   C. 
  (    ) 13. A. at school                   B. at home                C. at work
  (    ) 14. A. blue                          B. red                        C. black
  (    ) 15. A. 9:45                           B. 9:15                         C. 8:45
  (    ) 16. A. summer                         B. spring                             C. winter
  (    ) 17. A. Because he wanted to play computer games with Tom.
  B. Because Tom asked him to come to the party.
  C. Because he was asked to help Tom with his homework.
  (    ) 18. A. For ten minutes               B. For one month                  C. For one year
  (    ) 19. What did Tom ask Jack and some other friends to do?
  A. He asked them to see a film.   B. He asked them to have supper.
  C. He asked them to watch TV
  (    ) 20. What time did Jacp the next morning?
  A. At six o’clock     B. At 7:30        C. At 9:30 

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