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  英语试卷             A
  本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分, 共150分。考试时间120分钟。
  第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. Why does the woman refuse the invitation for tonight?
  A. She doesn't like the man.
  B. She has another appointment.
  C. She is too busy with her work.
  2. What does the man think of classical music?
  A. He does not like it at all.
  B. He prefers it to other music.
  C. He enjoys it at bedtime.
  3. What did the two girls do yesterday?
  A. They went to the English Evening.
  B. They went to meet Jeff.
  C. They became friends at the English Evening.
  4. What time is it now?
  A. 9:00.       B. 9:10.           C.9:40.
  5. What do we know about the man?
  A. He saw off his father at the airport yesterday.
  B. He was late for class yesterday morning.
  C. He went to meet his cousin yesterday morning.
  6. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
  A. When they surf the Web.
  B. What they do on the Internet.
  C. How they look up information online.
  7. How often does the man probably surf the Internet?
  A. Once a week.        B. Twice a week.            C. Several times a week.
  8. What do we know about the man?
  A. He gets some help from the Web.
  B. He shows no interest in the Internet.
  C. He has never sent email.
  9. Where does this conversation take place?
  A. On a train.     B. Near a bus stop.         C. In a department store.
  10. What did the man do?
  A. He hurt the woman.
  B. He helped the woman carry the bags.
  C. He made the woman drop the bags to the ground.
  11. What is the woman like?
  A. She is kind.          B. She is rude.        C. She is proud.
  12. Where does this conversation take place?
  A. In a restaurant.      B. In a hospital.     C. At the office.  
  13. When does the woman get a pain in stomach?
  A. About an hour after she has eaten.
  B. About an hour before she has eaten.
  C. Just when she begins to eat.
  14. What can you conclude about the woman's husband from this conversation?
  A. He eats very quickly.
  B. He doesn't eat as quickly as his wife.
  C. He sometimes eats more slowly than his wife.
  15. Where did the two speakers go for dinner?
  A. To McDonald's.      B. To KFC.           C. To a Chinese restaurant.
  16. Why didn't they eat at home?
  A. Because Jill's mother was not in the house.
  B. Because Jill's father wanted to eat fried chicken.
  C. Because Jill was tired of her father's cooking.
  17. What did Jill want for her dinner?
  A. Hamburger, salad, coffee and chicken.
  B. Hamburger, salad, Coke, and ice cream.
  C. Hamburger, vegetables and coffee.
  18. What do we know about Manhattan Island?
  A. It used to be a small country.
  B. It was controlled by the Dutch before 1609.
  C. Only Indians lived there before 1609.
  19. Why did Henry Hudson go to Manhattan Island?
  A. He wanted to trade with the Indians.
  B. He hoped to find a shorter way to the Far East.
  C. He wanted to find more land for his country.
  20. How did the Indians react to Henry Hudson's arrival?
  A. They captured him.
  B. They didn't allow him to land.
  C. They were friendly to him.
  第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)
  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  Read a lot, I mean a lot! You have to increase your ability for reading. Many students are in the habit of reading only when their exams are approaching while some others read only what they are taught or things that must be read because it is in their curriculum. But listen to me now, I am telling you from my own experience that it is a very bad habit and it is not enough to improve your intelligence.
  You have to learn and get ready to become versatile in your reading. The fact that you are studying medicine in school does not mean that you should not know one or two things on politics.
  Many people have complained to me that they find it h

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