第二部分必修一Unit 4《Earthquakes》同步练习

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  第二部分  必修一  Unit 4  Earthquakes
  1.I can't advise you what to do. You must use your own ________.
  A.opinion         B.brain
  C.justice  D.judgment
  2.— How do you find the concert in Beijing Grand Theater last night?
  — ________, but the conductor performed very well.
  A.It couldn't be better
  B.I think little of it
  C.I'm crazy about it
  D.I really like it
  3.Some parents are just too protective.They want to ________ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.
  A.spot  B.dismiss
  C.shelter  D.distinguish
  4.With proper measures, the economy in China is beginning to ________ again.
  A.dig out  B.hold on
  C.pick up  D.take on
  5. ________ he is doing an operation on the patient; please don't disturb him.
  A.Right away  B.Right now
  C.In no time  D.At once
  6.— I'm going to Appleby tomorrow.
  — ________! I'm going up there too.
  A.What a coincidence  B.Good luck
  C.Congratulations  D.Good idea
  7.As is reported, ________ money is spent on tobacco every year.
  A.a large amount of  B.a large number of
  C.a great many  D.a great many of
  8.A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left ________.
  A.unsatisfied  B.unsatisfying
  C.to be unsatisfying D.being unsatisfied
  9.“Wash your hands with soap ________ the experiment.” The teacher said to his students.
  A.in the end of B.in the end
  C.to the end  D.at the end of
  10.The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ________ whether he was going in the right direction.
  A.seeing  B.having seen
  C.to see  D.to have seen
  11.After ________ in the research for so many years, the scientist succeeded in finding the result at last.
  A.buried  B.being buried
  C.having buried  D.having been buried
  12.All the people present felt ________ at the ________ news.
  A.shocked; shocking  B.shocking; shocked
  C.shocked; shocked  D.shocking; shocking
  13.When the girl learned that her boyfriend was ________ in the earthquake, she
  A.injured; burst in tear
  B.killed; burst out tears
  C.still alive; burst into tears
  D.missing; burst into laughter
  14.Years of fighting have left the area________.
  A.in rows  B.in ruins
  C.in number  D.in detail
  15.Than so much. You ________ me from an embarrassing situation.
  A.remember  B.recover
  C.rescue D.reserve
  Farmers protest against Japanese nuke plant owner
  Angry farmers gathered in Tokyo, shouting and shaking their fists on Tuesday in a protest to demand compensation (赔偿) for products contaminated (污染) by radiation from Japan's nuclear plant.
  The 200 __16__, mostly from northeastern Japan, held some cabbage they couldn't __17__. Many of them carried large signs __18__ “Stop nuclear energy” outside the headquarters of Tokyo Electric Power Go, the operator of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant __19__ in the tsunami on the 11th March, 2011.
  “My __20__ has run out. The nuclear crisis has __21__ destroyed our farming business,” said 72­year­old o Okazaki, who __22__ peaches and apples.
  __23__ leaking from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant — about 220 kilometers north of Tokyo — has been __24__ in milk, water and vegetables such as spinach from __25__ the plant. The government once __26__ the sale of raw milk from some towns near the plant, __27__ spinach, cabbage, broccoli and several other __28__ vegetables from throughout Fukushima district, though most restrictions in nearby areas have been __29__.
  But even once restrictions are removed and produce has become __30__, farmers throughout the northeast fear consumers will reject their__31__.
  It is estimated that it will take six to nine months to bring the plant into cold shutdown, which is a __32__ step that allows roughly 80,000 people who have escaped from home within 20­kilometer area around the plant to return.
  Farmers are also __33__ about the about 3,000 cows, 130,000 pigs and 680,000 chickens they had to __34__. Some have already died, and many are weak and dying.
  “We have no dreams. No hopes. __35__ I ask myself ‘How shall I live in the future?’” shouted zuki, 70, from Fukushima.
  16.A.workers  B.farmers
  C.cooks  D.gardeners
  17.A.sell  B.harvest
  C.buy  D.plant
  18.A.meaning  B.writing
  C.speaking D.saying
  19.A.built  B.restored
  C.damaged  D.known
  20.A.patience  B.strength
  C.money  D.time
  21.A.instantly  B.totally
  C.merely  D.slightly
  22.A.develops  B.trades
  C.stores  D.grows
  23.A.Heat  B.Energy
  C.Radiation D.Waste
  24.A.detected  B.kept
  C.contained  D.carried
  25.A.beyond  B.outside
  C.inside  D.around
  26.A.invited  B.banned
  C.discouraged D.pushed
  27.A.in spite of  B.except for
  C.as well as  D.including
  28.A.leafy  B.traditional
  C.common  D.seasonal
  29.A.tightened B.lifted
  C.introduced  D.placed
  30.A.ripe  B.ready
  C.safe  D.popular
  31.A.vegetables  B.food
  C.fruits  D.products
  32.A.crucial  B.basic
  C.minor  D.likely
  33.A.serious  B.concerned
  C.disappointed  D.particular
  34.A.leave aside  B.leave alone
  C.leave off D.leave behind
  35.A.Since then  B.Once again
  C.Each day  D.As usual
  Because the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is believed to continue through most of this year, many people there are worried about the long­term effect on the Fukushima brand. But farmers are fighting back. On a weekday afternoon in central Tokyo a politician is appealing to the public. But, she is not asking for votes. Emi Kaneko, a member of the ruling Democratic Party from Fukushima,  is asking people to trust in her prefecture's(辖区的) farmers and their vegetables.
  Damage control
  Ever since the Fukushima nuclear plant began throwing radioactive particles(核辐射粒子) into the surrounding  environment, produce  from the prefecture's farmers  has  disappeared  from  store shelves and some countries have banned imports of it. Sadayasu Abe, an official in a village 25 kilometers away from the plant, says this causes a fourth disaster to the region.  Abe says they have been hit by an earthquanami, nuclear accident and now worry about agricultural products. He has heard some people saying they do not want to buy food with the
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