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  绍兴一中                高二英语期末考试试题卷
  1. Where would the woman like to go?
  A) To the college on the corner.
  B) To the office house near the college.
  C) To the college poetry class.
  2. Who is the woman?
  A) a secretary
  B) the man’s girl friend
  C) a waitress
  3. When can the woman probably get her car?
  A) About 12 o’clock
  B) About 2 p.m.
  C) Late in the evening
  4. Will Jean come to the party?
  A) No, she won’t, because she will meet her sister at the station.
  B) Yes, she will, but she will be late for the party.
  C) Not sure. Perhaps she won’t be late to come.
  5. Who is professor Zhang?
  A) He is a Chinese teacher.
  B) He teaches medical lesson.
  C) He has resigned.
  6. What is wrong with the man?
  A) He had a backache.
  B) He can’t sleep well at night.
  C) He had a bad cold.
  7. What will the woman bring to the man?
  A) Pills.
  第二部分:单项填空 (共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)
  16. Enjoying the wonderful view on ______ board the plane was really ______ unforgettable experience. It made a deep impression on me.
  A. /;the         B. the; an            C. /;an           D. the;/
  17.______ to her busy work, Lin Qiaozhi care little about any other things.
  A. Devoting      B. Devoted           C. Having devoted  D. To devote
  18. The squirrel was so lucky that it just missed ______.
  A. to be caught  B. to be catching    C. being caught    D. to catch
  19. It was ______ computer games that cost the boy a lot of time ______ he ought to have spent on his lessons.
  A. being played; when                 B. played; which
  C. to play; when                      D. playing, which
  20. Jack ______ an excuse to the teacher that he needed to take care of his younger sister for her illness. Soon it turned out to be ______.
  A. map; a failure                 B. mat; a failure
  C. map; failure                   D. mat; failure
  21.---How did you find the lecture yesterday?

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