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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 七年级上册试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 273 KB
  • 资源评级:
  • 更新时间: 2014/1/9 16:36:18
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  Part1. 听小对话,选择图片
  (  )1. What is Jimmy’s favorite sport ?
  A                      B                      C
  (  )2. What does the girl want to eat after dinner ?
  A                     B                       C
  (  )3. The man’s favorite subject is _____ .
  A                      B                      C
  (  )4. When is the woman’s birthday ?
  A                       B                      C
  (  )5. What does the boy want to buy for her sister ?
  A                         B                     C
  Part2. 听小对话,回答问题
  (  )6. What is Bob’s favorite subject ?
  A. English .           B. Math                 C. science .
  (  )7. What does the man want ?
  A. Bread .            B. Tea .                  C. Milk .
  (  )8. Who is Lucy’s favorite teacher ?
  A. Mr Yang .          B. Mrs Hu                C. Mr Zhao
  (  )9. What does Cindy like for dinner ?
  A. Apples .           B. Chicken .               C. Hamburgers .
  (  )10. How much is the red T-shirt ?
  A. 70 yuan .          B. 60 yuan .                C. 50 yuan .
  Part 3 听长对话,回答问题
  (  )11. What is this in English ?
  A. A Chinese book .  B. An English book .   C. A math book .
  (  )12. Whose(谁的) book is it ?
  A. Tony’s .         B. Jane’s .            C. Mary’s .
  (  )21. ---Do you have _____ e-mail address ?
  A. a          B. an          C. the          D. /
  (  )22. ---It’s _____ for boys to go shopping .
  ---Yes , boys usually don’t like to go to the store with their mothers .
  A. relaxing    B. boring       C. interesting    D. fun
  (  )23. ---Is this your notebool ?
  ---No , it isn’t . Ask Alice . She is looking for _____ .
  A. mine        B. yours        C. hers        D. his
  (  )24. I love ice-cream , _____ I can’t eat too much , because I don’t want to be fat .
  A. and         B. but          C. or          D. so
  (  )25. ---We’ll have a basketball game with Class 5 on _____ ?

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