《English and English-speaking Countries》模拟试题(打包2份)

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  • 更新时间: 2013/4/25 17:10:31
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  Unit 5 English and English-speantries模拟试题(打包2份)
  Unit 5 English and English-speantries模拟试题1.doc
  Unit 5 English and English-speantries模拟试题2.doc
  Unit 5 English and English-speantries模拟试题1
  I. 用适当的介词填空:
  1. English is used _______ the native language in Australia.
  2. We are native speakers ________ English.
  3. A knife is used ______ cutting things.
  4. Millions _______ people are learning to speak English in China.
  5. Chinese is one ______ the official languages in the United Nations.
  6. Spring comes ______ winter.
  7. Today some of the mobile phones can be used to tares ______ a camera.
  8. Than _______ coming to see me.
  9. First we have to fill _____ a form.
  10. 50% of all business deals are made ______ English.
  II. 完成句子。
  1. 杯子里没有水,是吗?
  There is _____________________________, _____________?
  2. 他住在北京,是吗?
  He ___________________________, _____________?
  3. 你知道这本书和那本书有什么不同吗?
  Do you know ______________________________this book and that book?
  4. 你能跟上我吗?
  Can you _____________________me?
  5. 除去食物和饮料,在衣物的命名上也存在差异。
  _____________ food and drink, there are___________________________ clothing.
  III. 完成反意疑问句。
  1. The Morse Code is rarely used today, _____________?
  2. He made few mistakes in the test, ____________?
  Unit 5 English and English-speantries模拟试题2
  1. Everything is ready for the meeting,            ?
  A. aren’t they               B. don’t they                C. isn’t it                        D. doesn’t it
  2. He’s never been there,            he?
  A. has                       B. is                          C. hasn’t                      D. isn’t
  3. We have no class this afternoon,            we?
  A. don’t                    B. do                          C. haven’t                    D. have
  4.I don’t believe he will come on time,            ?
  A. do I                      B. will he                     C. don’t I                      D. won’t he
  5. I told you not to be late again, Jone,            I?
  A. do                         B. did                         C. don’t                        D. didn’t
  6. You’ve little money with you,            ?
  A. do you                   B. have you                 C. don’t you                  D. haven’t you
  7. There’s a little water in the bottle,            ?
  A. isn’t it                    B. is it                          C. isn’t there                  D. is there
  8. Let’s go and play football,            ?
  A. shall we                  B. will we                   C. will go                      D. do we
  9. He’s been here for ten years,            ?
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