《Body Language》同步检测题

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  • 更新时间: 2013/4/16 22:47:43
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  Unit 2 Body Language同步检测题
  Ⅰ. 单项选择:
  **1. —Jimmy is leaving for a holiday.
  —Really? Where          he         ?
  A. has; gone  B. will; go C. did; go   D. does; go
  *2. There are about two           students in the newly built school.
  A. thousand  B. thousands C. thousand of  D. thousands of
  *3. —Here’s coffee and tea. You may have           .  
  A. either   B. each  C. one   D. it
  **4. —Whose picture is better, Jack’s or Tom’s?
  —Both of them are good. I think Jack draws            Tom.
  A. as good as     B. as well as  C. better than  D. worse than
  *5. I was drawing a horse             the teacher came in.
  A. while  B. as     C. when   D. the  moment
  *6. Again and again the doctor            the crying girl, but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her.
  A. looked over B. looked after  C. looked for  D. loot
  *7. —Have you mended your shoes, Bob?
  —Yes, I            them twenty minutes ago.
  A. have mended B. mend   C. had mended D. mended
  **8. —Is Runyang Bridge open to the public yet?
  —Yes. It            for almost one and a half months.
  A. has opened  B. has being opened C. has been open D. was open
  **9. —You are leaving your school. How do you like it?
  —Very much, of course, I            this school since I moved here.
  A. came to  B. have gone to   C. have been at D. have been to
  **10. My cousin read a history book,              .
  A. So John does B. So did John  C. So does John D. So John did
  *11. —Jimmy, your books are everywhere on your desk.
  —Oh, sorry. I’ll            right now.
  A. put them away B. put them up  C. put them on  D. put them down

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