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共四道大题,约8580字。  2013年莆田市高中毕业班教学质量检查
  英 语 试 题
  第一卷(选择题  共115分)
  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
  例:How much is the shirt?
  A.£ 19.15.    B.£ 9.15.    C.£ 9.18.
  1. What time is it now?
  A. 8:00.           B. 8:30.      C. 9:00.
  2. What do you think of their relationship?
  A. Not so bad.       B. Very good.    C. Not good.
  3. Where does this conversation most likely take place?
  A. At a flower shop.       B. In a garden.         C. At a park.
  4. What are the two speakers talking about in general?
  A. A band.     B. A bar.     C. A design.
  5. What is the man most probably?
  A. A doctor.          B. A shop assistant.      C. A policeman.
  6. How did the man book the room in the hotel?
  A. By phone.      B. By fax.       C. By e-mail.
  7. What can we learn from the conversation?
  A. The man will get a room tonight.   
  B. There is something wrong with the computer.
  C. The woman kept the record of the man’s reservation.
  8. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
  A. The weather in Beijing.  B. The people in Beijing.
  C. The places of interest in Beijing.
  9. What can we learn from the conversation?
  A. The woman is not from Beijing.   
  B. Spring is the best season for traveling in Beijing.
  C. Winter is the longest season in Beijing.
  10. On what did the speakers spend most?
  A. The shoes.      B. The dress.     C. The heating system repair.
  11. How much did the shoes cost the woman?
  A. $ 200.      B. $ 149.      C. $ 49.
  12. What does the man advise the woman to do?
  A. Cut down the family’s expense.
  B. Spend as much money as possible.
  C. Do window shopping next time.
  13. What is the man studying?
  A. Writing.          B. English.         C. German.
  14. What’s the relationship between the woman and the man?
  A. Teacher and student.     B. Mother and son.     C. They are classmates.
  15. Why didn’t the man come to class?
  A. He had been writing reports all day long.
  B. He came back late.
  C. He had given it up.
  16. What can we know about the man?
  A. He had studied the languages before he came.
  B. He stays in Germany for a short time
  C. He isn’t interested in learning foreign languages.
  听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
  17. What is Audubon (奥杜邦) most interested in?
  A. Painting pictures.     B. Birds.           C. Teaching.
  18. Who is John James Audubon?
  A. A lawyer.         B. A writer.          C. A scientist.
  19. When was the National Audubon Society set up?
  A. In 1905.          B. In 1915.           C. In 1952.
  20. Why was the National Audubon Society set up?
  A. To help pass laws.
  B. To continue Audubon’s nature studies.
  C. To teach people how to protect their environment.
  第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节 单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
  例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants.
  A. however  B. whatever  C. whichever  D. whenever
  21. —Where to, Miss?
  —_____at the King’s Department Store.
  A. Call me up   B. Drop me off  C. See me off   D. Picp
  22. Coughs and colds are _____ among young children because of the sudden climate change.
  A. painful    B. sensitive     C. harmful      D. frequent
  23. In October 2012, when Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature, the exciting news _____
  all over the world.
  A. went off   B. blew up   C. got round   D. passed by
  24. The hard-won relationship between Japan and China _____ unless the Japanese government drops its “island-purchasing” farce (闹剧).
  A. will never preserve      B. will never be preserved
  C. wouldn’t be preserved     D. never preserves
  25. — How was the English evening? 
  — Great! Anne and Susan performed _____.
  A. slly   B. commonly   C. poorly    D. nervously
  26. —Alice won’t join in our discussion tonight.
  —Oh, she _____. We have already put it off.
  A. mustn’t   B. needn’t   C. shouldn’t   D. can’t
  27. PSY’s Gangnam Style became popular _____ night and his horse-riding dance has been copied around the world.
  A. at     B. by    C. on    D. over
  28. Scientists have discovered that bees learn to fly the shortest possible route between flowers _____ they are in a different order.
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