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  英 语 试 题
  第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
  第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
  1.What time is it now?
  A.2:00. B.2:30. C.3:00.
  2.What does the woman advise the man to do?
  A.To dress professionally.
  B.To choose a proper color.
  C.To choose a proper style.
  3.Where will the woman go first?
  A.To her house. B.To the bank. C.To a telephone booth.
  4.Who is the woman probably speaking to?
  A.A post office clerk. B.A bus conductor. C.A travel agent.
  5.Why was the woman late?
  A.Her roommate told her a wrong time.
  B.She forgot the time change.
  C.She wasn’t informed of the time change.
  第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  6.What does the man want to do?
  A.He wants to buy a flat.
  B.He wants to rent a flat.
  C.He wants to sell a flat.
  7.Which flat is the man interested in?
  A.The one with a bathroom and one bedroom.
  B.The one with two bedrooms but without a bathroom.
  C.The one with two bedrooms and a sitting room.
  8.How much will the man pay for the bigger flat each year?
  A.3,600 dollars. B.2,400 dollars. C.3,000 dollars.
  9.Why does Polly look pale?
  A.She had a headache. B.She had a stomachache C.She had a bad sleep.
  10.Who practiced the piano last night?
  A.The teenagers upstairs.
  B.The girl in Apartment 3.
  C.The man in Apartment 2.
  11.What will the woman probably do tonight?
  A.Hold a party. B.Listen to some music. C.Talk to her neighbors.
  12.What is the conversation mainly about?
  A.The woman wants to find a job.
  B.Jobs are wanted in the library.
  C.Foreign students’ employment.
  13.Where does the woman study?
  A.In Amercia B.In Australia C.In China.
  14.How will the woman probably find a part ¬time job?
  A.She will try it herself.
  B.The man’s friends will help her.
  C.The library will offer to help.
  15.How many hours’ sleep does the man get one night?
  A.3. B.2. C.5.
  16.What leads to the problem of the man?
  A.Too little exercise.
  B.Pressure from his work.
  C.A strong desire to find a better job.
  17.What is the doctor’s advice?
  A.To relax and take exercise.
  B.To take some medicine.
  C.To change a job.
  18.When did Grandma Moses turn to painting?
  A.At the age of 101. B.At the age of 61. C.At the age of 76.
  19.What did Grandma Moses do before she turned to painting?
  A.She collected works of other artists.
  B.She worked on her farm.
  C.She taught at school.
  20.Which of the following statements is true?
  A.Grandma Moses was a world famous artist.
  B.Grandma Moses first painted to make money.
  C.Grandma Moses used to hold a painting show.
  第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节  单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  21.Many people in western countries go to            church on           , as do some Chinese.
  A.∕ ;a Sunday B.the; Sunday C.∕ ;Sundays D.the; Sundays
  22.I have an old friend              my respect has grown because he has realized           he dreamt of all his life.
  A.into whom ; which B.for whom ; what

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