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  Ⅰ. 语言知识及应用(共两节。满分35分)
  第一节  完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  We cannot escape hearing and seeing brokenness in this world and we are reminded daily that as humans we are more fragile than we would want to ___1___, and are exposed to being broken on a daily basis or ____2_____ others directly or indirectly.
  We've all ___3____some forms of brokenness past, present and future, and we know of others who have. For some people, brokenness has been a blessing in disguise. Though ___4___ it makes them weak, the long term effect is increased, which makes them a ___5___ person. For some, it takes them down hard, pushing them to __6_____ from society and sometimes self- destructive habits are formed.
  Mental, emotional, financial, spiritual, and physical brokenness affects everyone at some point on our journey of life. The ___7___ back to wholeness after an encounter with brokenness can be positive or negative, bitter or better. So does this mean the measure of recovery from the brokenness ___8____ on the type of brokenness? My answer is no. 
  Nelson Mandela was kept in prison falsely for 27 years in total----but look at the end of his life. He must have ____9____some forms of brokenness at some point but today his life speaks of wholeness. His ability to come back as a ___10__ person speaks for itself.
  There are men and women who have returned from war with limbs __11___, physical complications, mental, social and emotional ____12__, but today they’re still whole. In relationships hearts are brot people deal healthily with their brokenness and __13___ to let what has broken them keep them broken. They’ve ____14___.
  Sure, it’s a(n) __15___ to survive any form of brokenness but believing you are worth better and with the right support system, we can be made whole again.
  1. A. conclude B. expect C. admit  D. prove
  2. A. breaking B. wounding C. interrupting D. affecting
  3. A. finished B. experienced C. shared D. changed
  4. A. inconveniently B. slowly C. dangerously D. temporarily
  5. A. richer B. busier C. calmer D. better
  6. A. survive B. withdraw C. suffer D. stop
  7. A. road B. signal C. idea D. direction
  8. A. insist B. turn C. look D. depends
  9. A, accepted B. faced C. predicted D. remembered
  10. A. whole B. political  C. clever D. healthy
  11. A. shaking B. missing C. stretching  D. growing
  12. A. powers B. abilities C. challenges D. failures
  13. A. choose B. hesitate C. mean D. refuse
  14. A. moved on  B. lit up C. given in  D. calmed down
  15. A. opportunity B. process  C. fight D. attempt
  第二节  语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  Two things I did may have caused people 16_________(think) that something is wrong with me. The first was when my wife asked me to have the sitting-room clock   17 _____  (repair). I drove into the market place of our little town and, clock under arm, entered a shop. Only it was the meat shop. 18______ my thoughts far away, I stood staring into the shop-keeper’s eyes. I 19____________(be) his customer for a long time and the good man smiled at me.
  This went on for several very long seconds before I realized where I was. There is no doubt that I should have calmly bought a pound of meat, 20__________ I merely

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