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  • 更新时间: 2013/1/20 18:37:04
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  21. Polar bears live mostly on ____ sea ice, which they use as ____ platform for hunting seals.
  A. a, a      B. a, the     C. /, a        D. a, the
  22. He hopes to raise _____ about the shortage of clean water on our planet.
  A. information   B. awareness   C. protection   D. decision
  23. ____ the civil service has its obvious advantages, it doesn’t necessarily suit everyone.
  A. While    B. Because     C. Since    D. When
  24. The magnificent military parade and celebrations in Beijing left the Chinese ____pride and people in awe.
  A. filling with    B. filled with   C. being filled with    D. to fill with
  25. –What do you think of his ad vice?
  --What he said sounded ____, I think.
  A. quite perfectly   B. nice and helpful   C. very clearly    D. polite or friendly
  26. If we can ____ our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.
  A. come across    B. get over    C. come over     D. get off
  27. Some women ____ a good salary in a job instead of staying at home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.
  A. must make    B. would make    C. should have made    D. could have made
  28. I just wonder ____ that makes him so excited.
  A. why it does    B. what he does    C. how it is    D. what it is
  29. No person ____ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette in this area.
  A. will       B. may      C. shall      D. must
  30. He is taking notes in class at Sunshine School, where he _____ English for a year.
  A. studies   B. studied   C. is studying    D. has been studying
  31. We were in ____ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.
  A. a rush so anxious            B. a such anxious rush  
  C. so an anxious rush           D. such an anxious rush
  32. It cannot be regarded simply as a normal job ____ you make money and earn a living.
  A. when    B. that    C. which     D. where
  33. He decided to make a ____, from his hometown to Shenzhen, where he thinks he can find a better job.
  A. try     B. change      C. research     D.  move
  34. Nobody but doctors or nurses and those ____ by Dr Li ____ to enter the pa tient’s room.
  A. invited, is allowed         B. are invited, are allowed
  C. being invited, allowed      D. invited, are allowed
  35. Only through hard work and perseverance ____ his early dream.
  A. he realized    B. realized he   C. did he realiz

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