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  • 更新时间: 2013/1/7 15:21:26
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. Which animal didn’t the woman see?
  A. Monkeys .    B. Tigers.     C. Elephants
  2. How did the boy go to school?
  A. On foot.        B . By car.        C. By bus
  3. Where was Mike’s photo taken?
  A. In Beijing.        B. In London.      C. In Sydney.
  4. What did Sally’s father bought for her as a birthday present?
  A. A camera .    B. A computer.  C. An ipad.
  5. How much has the project raised?
  A. $ 531,210             B. $561,410          C. $561,210
  听下面一段长对话,回答第6 ~7两小题。
  6. What colour of the boxes are for paper?
  A. Red.          B. Yellow.         C. Blue.
  7. What will the man do with the paper?
  A. Sell it.          B. Burn it.         C. Recycle it.
  听下面一段较长对话,回答第8 ~10三小题。
  8. Where may the conversation happen?
  A. At the bus station.          B. At the train station.       C. At the airport.
  9. Why doesn’t the man buy the tickets this evening?
  A. Because there are no tickets left.
  B. Because it is too late to set off.
  C. Because the weather is too bad.
  10. How much should the man pay for the tickets?
  A. $45.           B. $30.          C. $60.
  A walb
  Head of the club    11  
  Number of people    12  
  Clothes to wear    13  
  Place of walking in winter    14  
  New members    15  
  11. A. Mrs White       B. Mrs Smith         C. Mrs Black
  12. A. 13             B. 8         C. 10
  13. A. T-shirts            B. sweaters         C. jeans
  14. A. In the gyms        B. On the playground     C. In the club building
  15. A. three dogs            B. an old man             C. two cats
  16. ---Did you have ________ nice holiday?
   ---Yes, it was _______ best holiday I’ve ever had.
  A. the, the         B. the, a         C. a, a        D. a, the
  17. Among the four underlined letters, which one has the different pronunciation from the other three?
  A. boss          B. police          D. cotton       D. nod
    18. ---Would you like some ________?  ---Yes, please. Fruit is good for health.
  A. apples   B. eggs    C. potatoes  D. coffee
  19. I feel very angry when hearing that Japanese government tries to _________ Diaoyu Island.
  A. take place         B. tap         C. tat          D. take off
  20. He has read many books on history, so it’s _________ for him to answer these questions.
   A. hard           B. impossible          C. easy          D. serious
  21. --- There is someone at the door. Who ______ it be? Is it the postman?
   --- No, it ________ be him. It’s just seven o’clock. It’s too early.
  A. may, can’t       B. will, won’t        C. may, mustn’t       D. must, may not
  22 ---Which of the two jackets will you take?
   ---I’ll take __________. One for my brother, the other for myself.
   A. either       B. neither         C. all          D. both
  23 --- When can I see the doctor, madam?
   --- Let me see. Sorry, you ___________ your turn, so you will have to wait again.
   A. are missing      B. have missed       C. will miss     D. missed
  24. ---Christmas Day is coming. Could you tell me _____________?
                ---Well, I will go to see the film called 1942 by Feng Xiaogang.
    A. what you will buy for your family     B. if you will have a party
  C. what you will use to decorate your house     D. what you will do on that day
  25. --- I am out of breath. I can’t go any further.
    --- _________! I am sure you can make it.
  A. No problem      B. What a pity        C. Not bad       D. Come on

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