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  嘉峪关市一中2012-2013学年高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 第I卷(选择题 共115分)
  第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers ?
  A. Teacher and student   
  B. Doctor and patient
  C. Customs official and passenger
  2. When will the woman get on the bus on Saturday ?
  A. At 7:00 am.               B. At 7:30 am.       C. At 8:30 am.
  3. What does Mr. Li suggest the students do ?
  A. Study together    B. Prepare for the oral exam .  C. Review the quizzes.
  4. Where are the nd ?
  A. In the purse .      B. In the pocket         C. In the drawer .
  5. Where is the man going now ?
  A. To the restaurant    B. To the editor’s office     C. To his own office
  6. What is the woman ?
  A. A dress designer   B. A basketball player.   C. A headmaster .
  7.What do we know about the man’s travel plan ?
  A. He is going by air.     B. He is leaving for Pairs..
  C. He is arriving this afternoon.
  8. Who is going to pick up the man  ?
  A. The woman’s son .  B. The woman’s brother .  C. The woman herself .
  9. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  needed for a job.
  第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. ______ world’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart, has opened its _____ third store in          Beijing, which means the firm now has 52 stores in China.
  A. The; a   B. A; a   C. The; the   D. The; /
  22. — Isn’t it hard to drive downtown to work? 
  —Yeah, that’s why I ______ to work by train.
  A. have gone B. have been going C. was going D.will have gone
  23. You are saying that everyone is equal, _____ is _____ I agree.
  A. that; what B. which; what C. that; where  D.which; where
  24. —Have you understood what he really means?
  A. Now and then       B. More or less 
  C. From time to time      D. Here and there
  25. Hard work and lack of sleep have ____ her beauty and youth in recent years.
  A. worn out      B. tried out     C. made out      D. sent out
  26. —It’s a long journey. My car couldn’t make it.
  —You can drive my car. It’s quite old, but it’s still pretty ____.
  A. reliable    B. convenient  C. supportive  D. acceptable
  27. _______ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.
  A. It was us being late   

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