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  苏州市木渎实验中学2012-2013学年第一学期质量调研测试(一)初三英语   2012.10
  第一部分     听力试题(20分)
  (      )1. What does the woman want to learn?
  A.                     B.         C. 
  (      ) 2. What is Tom’s animal sign?
  A.                     B.                     C.
  (      ) 3. What does Daniel have?
  A.        B.      C.  
  (     )  4. Which festival does Millie like best?
  A.         B.        C. 
  (     ) 5.What are they talking about?
  A. Clothes.                  B. Colours.               C. Books.
  (     ) 6.Where will they go?
  A. The Great Wall.            B. The Palace Museum.     C. Nowhere.
  (     ) 7.When did Mike come back?
  第二部分     笔头试题(100分)
  A)单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项
  (    )21.It is very kind _____ you to help me with my lessons because it is very difficult _____me to learn them well.
  A. of; for        B. of; of         C. for;of       D. for; for
  (    )22. I prefer _______her some presents_______ her some money.
  A. to buying;to giving     B. to buy;to give  
  C. buy;give             D. buying;to giving
  (     ) 23. Jim looks          , because his father looked          at him.
  A. angry; angry     B. angrily; angrily   C. angry; angrily    D. angrily; angry
  (     )24. Don’t eat  _______     meat. If you do so,you’ll get _______    fat.
  A. too much;much too     B. much too;too much
  C. much too;much too     D. too much;too much
  (     )25. “My father bought me a new watch yesterday.”It is a structure of________.     .
  A、S+V+P       B、S+V+IO+DO   C、S+V+DO+OC      D、S+V+DO
  (     ) 26. Colours can mas _______ or sad.
  A. feel happily  B. feel happily  C. to feel happy  D. feel happy

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  • mrhaot 于11-21 10:15发表评论: 第1楼
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