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  • 更新时间: 2012/8/12 21:05:50
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  一, 单项选择(20分)
  B1 -Where does your uncle work?
  -He works in Paris, the capital of ______.
  A. the USA        B. France       C. Thailand          D. Japan
  C2 There’s no buses. He has to ________there ________his bicycle.
  A. go to; on       B. go to; by      C. go; on            D. go; by
  B3 The boy, ________his father __________making model planes.
  A. likes; likes      B. like; likes     C. like; like          D. likes; like
  A4 There are six floors______ our school building. Our class is ______ the third floor.
  A. in, on          B. in, in         C. on, in            D. on, on
  A5 Welcome to our school! Let me ______you ________our school.
  A. show; around    B. take; to     C.shows; around     D.tand
  B6 -_______orange do you want to have?
  - I need three bottles. ________ are they?
  - ten  yuan.
  A. how many; how much                  B how much; how much
  C. how much; how many                  D how many; how many
  7 We will arrive  _________ Tokyo __________ the afternoon of March 3.
  A. at, in          B. in, on           C. in, in           D. at, at
  8 How do you say 15,858?
  A. Fifteen thousands, eight hundred and fifty-eight
  B. Fifteen thousand, eight hundreds and fifty eight.
  C. Fifteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight
  D. Fifteen thousand and eight hundred and fifty-eight
  9 Would you like to share the room________ her brother?
  A. with            B. and                 C. of           D. on
  10.__________ is your telephone number?
  A. What          B. How many        C. How much         D How long 
  11. The old woman has_______ daughters. She is the _________child of hers.
  A three; three     B third; three     C. three; third       D. third; third
  12 Does your father often ________?
  A. ta to there  B. ta there C. tar there D. tar to there
  13 There is ______ “u” and ______ “s” in the word “use”.
  A. a, a         B. an, an       C. a, an         D. an, a  
  14. I do my homework ______ ten o’clock every night.
  A. for          B. on         C. until       D. /

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