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  • 更新时间: 2012/4/17 7:51:41
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  ※亲爱的同学们, 经过一个多月的努力,英语一定学得蛮好的吧!让我来考考你, 好好展示一下你自己, 相信你一定是最棒的!!! ※
  1. I loonder _________ table and found _________ pen I lost yesterday.  
  A. the; a    B. the; the    C. /; the    D. the; /
  2. Thomas, please don’t shout loudly. The others _________ hear very well.  
  A. can’t    B. mustn’t   C. shouldn’t   D. needn’t
  3. My brother is always the first_______ to school.
  A. to get           B. getting        C. to reach         D. reaching
  4. —Is this ___________ruler?      —No.________________is over there.
  A. her;Her         B. her;Hers       C. hers;Hers       D. hers;Her
  5. Drivers are warned___________when they are tired.
  A. to drive         B. not drive       C. not to drive      D. not driving
  6. —________that China has the largest number of iphone4s users now.
  —I believe so.
  A. Someone said      B. They told me     C. It is said       D. I was told to
  7. The government of Yancheng is building_________cheap and good houses for the people.
  A. thousand          B. thousands       C. thousand of     D. thousands of
  8. You had better__________because you have to drive back home.
  A. not drinking       B. not drink        C. don't drink     D. not to drink
  9. Could you tell me                    ?
  A. what’s his name                         B. where can I buy a camera
  C. when you’ll go fishing                D. why was he late
  10. After _________deeply, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.
  A. breath           B. breathe         C. breathed        D. breathing
  11. The meeting _________ by the time I got there yesterday.
  A. was on          B. has been on      C. had begun      D. has begun
  12. —You look sad, Kate.  —Yeah, I have made __________mistakes in my report.
  A. a little           B. little           C. a few           D. few
  13. —Mind your steps, guy! Don’t you see the words “_______ the grass”?
  —I’m sorry.
  A. Keep off   B. t       C. Take off   D. Tat
  14. —I will take an important test tomorrow.  —Oh, really? ___________!
  A. Good luck        B. Congratulations   C. Well done     D. What a pity
  15. Watching TV___________ is __________bad for our health.
  A. too much; too much           B. much too; much too  
  C. too much; much too           D. much too; too much
  On the first day of school our teacher let us know someone. Loot, we found an old woman  16  at the door. She said, “Hi, my name is Susan, I’m seventy years old.”While we were  17  what made her take this challenge (挑战) at her age, she said with a smile, “I'm here to meet a rich husband, get  18  , have two children and travel together.”Hearing this, all of us laughed. “In fact,”she went on, “I always    19  of having a college education, and now I’m getting  20  !”
  After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good  21  . I often listened to this “time machine”as she shared her study with me.
  At the end of the term we invited Susan to give us a  22  . When she was stepped up to the front, suddenly she found she took the wrong paper. She felt a little frustrated(沮丧的)and said, “I'm sorry. I’m so nervous that I can’t get my ready talk    23  ,

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