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  • 更新时间: 2011/11/28 8:24:41
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  (考试时间:120分钟   卷面总分:120分)
  1. __________ good advice it is! It helps me a lot.
  A. What a   B. How a C. What   D. How
  2. After he leaves school, he wants to go to Britain for __________ study to improve his English.
  A. far  B. father  C. further   D. farther
  3. After a day’s hard work, the man __________ and soon he __________.
  A. fell sleepy, felt asleep    B. felt sleepy, fell asleep
  C. fell asleep, felt sleepy    D. felt asleep, fell sleepy
  4. —What an amazing performance! It’s the most interesting magic show I’ve ever seen.
  —But I’m afraid it won’t interest __________.
  A. somebody  B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody
  5. I saw Li Ming __________ near the river on my way home.
  A. plays   B. playing C. to play  D. played
  6. __________ he was walking past a bookshop, he suddenly found a wallet lying on the ground. Which of the following is WRONG?
  A. While   B. When  C. As  D. Since
  7. Zhong Nanshan, the famous medical scientist, has devoted all the energy he had __________ useful ways in treating cough illnesses.
  A. found   B. to finding C. to find  D. finding
  8. Millie hardly has any spare time for her hobbies, __________?
  A. has she           B. hasn’t she C. does she D. doesn’t she
  9. The number of people speaking Chinese __________ larger than __________ of those speaking English in the world.
  A. are, that  B. are, one C. is, those D. is, that
  10. Look at the photo, I __________ the days that I spent learning __________ with my classmates.
  A. remind of, French    B. am reminded of, France
  C. am reminded of, French    D. remind of, France
  11. Don’t be __________ with envy, he should get the prize, for he has spent a whole month on that paper.
  A. green  B. black  C. yellow   D. blue
  12. All parents will __________ their children __________ making friends when they reach fourteen or fifteen.
  A. strict with, in  B. be strict with, in C. be strict in, with D. strict in, with
  13. These days, Grade 9 students stay up too late to finish __________ homework and prepare for exams, as a result, some of them feel __________ the next day.
  A. much too, more tired      B. too much, much tired
  C. too much, more tired      D. much too, much tired
  14. My parents do not allow me to go out after 6 p.m. The underlined part is used as __________ in the sentence?
  A. Predicative B. Attributive C. Adverbial D. Object complem

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