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  • 更新时间: 2012/1/31 21:33:35
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  第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
  1. ----Sherry, can I have a loor new bag ?
  ----_______ Here you are.
  A. By no means.     B. By any means.    C. By this means.       D. By all means.
  2. The salesman said that _______ thief was a young man with _________ brown hair.
  A. the; a           B. the; /             C. a; /               D. a; a
  3. Tom’s mother is worried about him because he often drives his car at _________is a dangerous speed.
  A. which           B. that              C. it                D. what
  4. The time is not far away _______ the news will be made known ________ will represent our company to attend the coming medical conference to be held in Beijing.
  A. until; who B. when; who C. before; which    D. when; whoever
  5. ________ by the teacher, Tom got into the classroom from the back door quietly.
  A. To avoid being seen B. Avoiding seen     C. Avoid being seen    D. Avoided seeing
  6. ---Jason, you need to refresh yourself with a cup of coffee.
  --- Yeah, I went to bed very late last night, _______, early this morning.
  A, rather than B. what’s more C. or rather D. what’s worse
  7. _________ never occurred _________ me for a moment you meant that.
  A. There; on           B. It; on                C. There; to              D. It; to
  8. ---It is said that China has been a member of WTO since December 11, 2001.
  ---Well, it’s wonderful that the Chinese people _________ have made so much progress these years.
  A. must B. can C. should D. may
  9. ---Did you wait for him long?
  ---No, I hadn’t waited long _________ he appeared.
  A. unless B. until C. before D. since
  10. The local authority is trying to ________ oversea investment by beautifying its environment.
  A. value   B. encourage    C. introduce D. affect
  11. Recent studies have discovered that fathers uniquely contribute to the development of their children, _______ in low income families.
  A. specially B. definitely C. specifically D. particularly
  12. His failure in the exam suggested that he ________ the teacher’s instructions.
  A. can’t have followed  B needn’t have followed 
  C mustn’t have followed  D. shouldn’t have followed
  13. People like to shop in the supermarket because they are interested in the ________ of goods on offer and can buy whatever they want.
  A. price B. variety C. value D. amount
  14. Scientists have made a great _________ in the treatment of cancer.
  A. progress         B. breagh      C. conclusion     D. introduction
  15. ---These suitcases are too heavy for me to move.
  ---Here, I’ll give you a hand __________ them.
  A. For B. to C. with D. by
  16. ---I’m afraid I’ve bror chair.
  ---__________.  I can easily get it fixed.
  A. You’re welcome. B. Not at all.     C. With pleasure.    D. Never mind.
  17. After the company reformed its rules and regulations, we find the business is really ________.
  A. taking off B. taking on C. taking in D. tap
  18. All of the students held the view _______ _______the teacher advised them to do was reasonable.
  A. that; what B. what; that    C. that; that    D. whether; what
  19. Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though not ________.
  A. widely B. entirely      C. extremely       D. eventually
  20. ----You effort is sure to pay _________.
  ----Than for your encouragement.
  A. off                     B. for                   C. back             D. down
  Having finished her homework, Ma Li wants some music for relaxation. ___21___, she starts her computer and goes to baidu.com to download ___22___ files. But this time she is ___23___ when an announcement about ___24___ songs’copyright bursts onto screen. The age of ___25___ music and movie downloads may have come to an end as web companies li are ___26___of pirating(盗版) copyright. Lawsuits (诉讼) have been filed against four websites ___27___ free downloads. In September 2005, a Beijing court ___28___ Baidu to pay recording company Shanghai Push compensation(补偿) for their ___29___. Baidu was also told to


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