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  • 更新时间: 2011/12/8 20:13:40
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  第Ⅰ卷(选择题 三部分 共85分)
  例:How much is the shirt?
  A. £19.15.         B. £9.15.          C. £9.18.
  1. What does the woman suggest?
  A. Setting off early.   B. Not going by car.    C. Going another day.
  2. Where are the two speakers?
  A. At home.    B. In a restaurant.     C. On the street.
  3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Friends.    B. Strangers.     C. Husband and wife.
  4. What is Frank planning to do?
  A. To move to a big city.    B. To work in London. C. To become a teacher.
  5. When will Mr. Smith see the man speaker?
  A. In the morning.    B. At noon.    C. In the afternoon.
  6. What is true about Dan?
  A. He was once in New York.
  B. This is the first time for him to be in New York.
  C. He has just arrived in Shanghai from New York.
  7. How did Dan sleep last night?
  A. He was too excited to fall asleep.
  B. He slept quite well.
  C. He was too tired to sleep well.
  8. What do we know about the woman?
  A. It's difficult for her to adjust to time difference.
  B. She is used to time difference.
  C. She usually gets a good sleep after a long flight.
  9. Where are the two speakers talking?
  A. In a teacher's office.   B. In the school yard.   C. In a car.
  10. How long have the two speakers NOT seen each other?
  A. Twelve years.    B. Eleven years.     C. Ten years.
  11. Why did the man come to Yale?
  A. To work as a teacher.   B. To visit the university. C. To study in the university.
  12. Why does the man buy a necklace and a pair of earrings?
  A. To give his girlfriend as a Christmas present.
  B. To give his mother as a birthday present.
  C. To give a friend as a Christmas present.
  13. Which necklace does the man want to buy?
  A. The necklace with a slightly irregular shape.
  B. The pink necklace.
  C. The pink necklace with a slightly irregular shape.
  14. How much does the man pay?

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