《Nelson Mandela》单元综合评估测试同步测控

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  必修1   Unit 5 Nelson Mandela
  1. The police say there is a $10000 ____ for any information that helps them find the lost boy.
  A. price   B. reward   C. pay   D. prize
  2. ______ by his friends, Jack didn’t _____ and kept on trying.
  A. Encouraged; lose heart    B. Encouraged; cheered up
  C. Encouraging; lost heart   D. Encouraging; cheered up
  3. People run always quickly in _____, when they hear that someone would ______ the building.
  A. anger; blow away B. silence; blow up   C. surprise; blow away   D. terror; blow up
  4. He wants to _____ all of his time _____ films.
  A. devotes; write   B. devoted;   to write C. devoting;   to writing  D. devote; to making
  5. His father was a ____ person, who wasn’t willing to spend a penny for his sons.
  A. generous    B. kind    C. mean    D. selfish
  6. We are fighting _____ the bird flu ____ people in the world.
  A. for, against    B. with, against   
  C. against, with   D. about, with
  7. I want to know the reason _____ the fire brot.
  A. what   B. why   C. how  D. when
  8. I like to live in the countryside _____ I can smell fresh air and eat fresh vegetables.
  A. when    B. where   
  C. how   D. what
  9. We're living in an age ____ many things are done on computer.
  A. when    B. where   
  C. how   D. what
  10. Whoever breaks the law won’t escape______.
  A. being punished  
  B. punishing
  C. punished 
  D. to be punished
  11. The goods of high ____ and low ___ are well received in the countryside these days.
  A. quantity, quality  B. quantity, price 
  C. price, quality   D. quality, price 

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