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  • 更新时间: 2011/12/1 13:35:27
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  一、完形填空 (共15题;每小题2分,共30分)
  I’m Monty Don. Though I’m a host and writer now, I had an unhappy study experience actually. I changed   1   many times.
  I first went to school at five. None of my teachers or classmates liked me, because I always gave them a lot of   2  . I once put a worm in a girl's pocket. When I was seven, I was asked to      3   the school. Then I was sent off to a boarding school. I missed my   4   very much at first; I didn't want to leave once I returned home. Later I met a very   5   teacher, who cared for me and helped me with study. He was also the   6   person to encourage me to act and write. At 13, I moved to Malvern College, but I was kict at 15 for   7   school rules. Then I went to another school where I failed my English A level. In fact, I didn't lidying.
  I finally   8   that life shouldn't be like this. So I retook the   9   and got an A grade. And more   10  , I made a decision: to go to college, so I began to   11   for the entrance exam. I   12   passed the exam and went to Cambridge to read English. I met my wife there and I was   13   I made that decision, otherwise I wouldn't have had a happy family. Looking back on what I've   14  , I come to know that if you devote yourself to it, nothing is   15  .
  1. A. schools   B. majors          C. jobs   D. directions
  2. A. attention   B. respect        C. trouble   D. help
  3. A. leave    B. join    C. visit   D. describe
  4. A. friend   B. childhood   C. teacher     D. family
  5. A. rude    B. good    C. terrible  D. new
  6. A. first    B. youngest   C. last   D. right
  7. A. following  B. changing   C. misusing  D. breaking
  8. A. guessed   B. doubted   C. remembered D. realised
  9. A. lesson   B. exam     C. photo   D. position
  10. A. difficultly  B. effectively   C. importantly  D. likely
  11. A. prepare   B. call    C. wait   D. hope
  12. A. suddenly  B. unluckily   C. accidentally  D. finally
  13. A. sorry   B. proud    C. glad    D. afraid
  14. A. written   B. experienced   C. seen   D. concerned
  15. A. strange   B. perfect      C. impossible  D. false
  My high school days are over. However, ____16____ my memory remains the beeping of my alarm clock, ____17____ sudden ring in the morning always woke me from a deep sleep. After snoozing several times, I would drag ___18_____ out of bed and go to the bus stop, not quite remembering how I got there. 
  Today researchers know more about the importance of sleep than they ____19____(do) many years ago. They think teenagers need as much sleep as younger t many don’t get  ___20_____ because of biological and social pressures. Research shows that teenagers’ ____21____( nature )sleep time may be 11 pm, for

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